I am so excited to connect with so many coaching clients, facebook fans and newsletter followers who have taken my 90-day Recruiting Challenge.  If you missed the opportunity to take this challenge and increase your team it’s not too late.  Just read the post here, and email me at galebates@mymentorbiz.com for the exercise handouts and instructions.

Taking a challenge like this, can be a time of pressure and a lot of work. It is a challenge that separates the men from the boys or in our case, the women from the girls. (Tee Hee.)  It’s about pushing through and staying on task and not giving up and when you keep working on this it will yield great results if you’re focusing on the daily success exercise.

In Jack Canfields book, “The Success Principles” Chapter 27 is entitled “Keep your Eye on the Prize.”  Jack says, “Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them.  They are constantly proactive in the pursuit of their chosen objectives.”  He has three specific exercises to help you focus every day.  The one I use myself is creating a Daily Success Focus Journal.  He says, at the end of every day simply identify five things that you accomplished during the day.  Once you’ve identified a success, write down the reason it was so important, then identify how you can make further progress if necessary and lastly write down the next action step.  So, for example,

  • Success:  Made a call to a prospect to be on my Discovery call.
  • Reason:   She was interested &  now understands more about our company and opportunity.
  • Further Progress:  Call her tomorrow to get her response from listening to the call
  • Next step:  Make an appointment to meet in next few days while the information is still fresh in her mind to see if now is the right time for her to join.

What’s important NOW to hitting your 90-day recruiting goal?  Stay focused, and “implement” the action steps on your exercise sheet every day.  The key word here is “implement.”   As entrepreneurs, we work alone, and don’t have people constantly making us accountable.

  • Find an accountability partner.  When you have someone holding you accountable for those daily action steps, the more likely you’ll see the results you want.
  • Be a “Team Player.”  Go to meetings, be on phone trainings, surround yourself with high achieving people and be part of your team success.
  • Continually tap into your WHY!  Your ‘WHY’ is a way to help you zero in on your purpose to build your business. Ask yourself “who” would benefit from you growing your team?  When you are so crystal clear with your “WHY” it becomes the driver of your business.

Plan the Next 3 Months Carefully.  You’ve got less than 90 days – with holidays included – to hit your goals. How are you going to do it?

Stay true to the exercise. 

Look at the pictures and quality traits.

Read your action steps and say an affirmation daily.  

Then, ask yourself the tough but important questions:

  • How am I doing?
  • Am I on track with my recruiting goal?
  • If so, what’s working?
  • What do I need to do differently?

If you’re reading this blog post and you’ve taken the challenge, I want you to know I’m extremely proud of you.  Maybe you decided not to take the challenge because it’s not the right time for you. Either way, I urge you to set a 30-minute complimentary coaching call with me as soon as possible, so I can help you keep your focus in pushing forward for great results.

It could be 30 minutes that changes the direction of your business. Email me at galebates@mymentorbiz.com

And pay it forward by pushing the “share” button below and get your whole team focusing on recruiting by the end of 2013.