Halloween does magical things! It makes little ones think about being a superman, a fairy, a knight, a ghost, and many more. Nowadays even the adults are getting in the game. It’s about having magical powers to be whatever you want to be!

Many of you have taken my 90-day Recruiting Challenge. Yes, it’s a free challenge I put out to the direct selling world to promote leadership! Leaders in direct sales today have a unique opportunity to make an impact on others, and I believe the world needs more role models every day. Jim Rohn says, “Leadership is the challenge to be something more than average,” and that’s what happens when you recruit a team and move into a leadership position in direct sales.

Would you like to attract people who want to grow a business?
Are you ready to support someone to be more than average?

Well, you have the magical powers within you to make this happen. Especially if you follow the instructions I gave you in taking the 90-day recruiting challenge. (If you’re still interested, read this blog post and email galebates@mymentorbiz.com and I’ll send you the exercise and instructions. )

So, what are the magical powers you have within you? Two activities!

1. If you followed the first step of the exercise, then look at the character traits you wrote down and today think of one person you know who has that trait, then all week long, keep that person in your mind and actively look for someone who has that trait. This may be a guest you meet at your party. Or, perhaps it’s a past hostess who wants to host again. Be intentional this week and focus on looking for your next prospect. What you focus on EXPANDS!  

2. In the second part of the exercise, I asked you write a list of action steps you’ll take to meet new these prospects. This week, look at your list and choose ONE action step. Then schedule this action step on your calendar as soon as possible. This is what I call implementing quickly. When you implement quickly, you see the best results and focusing on this ONE ACTION STEP will help you move forward to your goal. What you focus on EXPANDS!

These are two focused activities to help you achieve your 90-day recruiting goal. And, these are those magical powers that you hold within you?

All you have to do is wave your magic wand and make it happen. Because, what you focus on EXPANDS!

Need more support to help you achieve your recruiting goal? Check out my one-time SPECIAL coaching offer for the month of NOVEMBER only.
There are few slots left in this one-time offer if you want accountability with a caring coach and are ready to invest in your magical powers for ONE MONTH’S coaching for an incredible low cost.  Click here for the details.

Now, I’d love to hear from you! I’m tracking my private clients who are having success in recruiting in this 90-day period. Share your success in a comment below. Or better yet, go to my facebook page here and share your story.