On my call last night with the CG Academy members,  I shared a plan how to work in the power center of your business  and be prepared for massive growth with your new season products.

It’s AUGUST and it’s the month to transition!   Every year, I hold Business vision board classes to help business owners plot out and plan their best year yet for the coming year. ( I hope you’ll join me in November when I offer these classes.)  I recommend you look at your biz vision board every month, but AUGUST is the pivotal month to check in with your biz vision board and see if you’re on track.

If you don’t have a biz vision board don’t worry –  maybe you wrote down your goals and action plan in your CALENDAR GIRLS workbook on Page 7  – the most important thing NOW is to maximize the busiest months of the year that are left in 2013. That why I call August “Transition time.”  You are transitioning yourself to be ready for massive growth in the busiest months of the year.

Yesterday, I received two NEW catalogues from direct sellers in the mail.  AUGUST is the month when your team members are re-ignited because they’ve received their NEW season products. Everyone loves NEW PRODUCTS!  Excitement is in the air! Now  is the time to share those new products with customers and hostesses. How do you do that?   Of course, I have a whole strategy to begin a new season launch, but today I want to share with you ONE way simple campaign to share with your team. This  one simple campaign will help you get new bookings and recruit leads.

Create a “Catalogue” campaign   You get so excited when your box of 25, 50 or 100 catalogues arrive.  You think of all the people you need to send them to, but you feel a little overwhelmed at sending out a ton of new catalogues, not to mention the “cost” of posting them in the mail.  And how many times have you sent our catalogues and believe it’s a waste of time and money because you received little or even no sales.  That’s where a catalogue campaign will help you grow your sales, your bookings and your recruit leads.

It’s an easy 3-step process.

Step 1.  Get your lists and labels ready to mail catalogues.

Step 2.   Send out 5-10 catalogues (only) every Monday.   You might want to include a supporting letter of appreciation for their business.  Perhaps you have a referral rewards postcard that you want to include, or maybe a sticky note referring to a certain product you know your client will love.

Step 3.  Follow-up with a phone call on Thursday.  This gives your client 2-3 days to receive the catalogue.  A phone call is the personal touch to serving your customer.  It’s the “reason” you want to make a call.  The script may go like this,

“Hi Suzie, it’s Gale from xyz company, I’m checking to see if you received my NEW catalogue in the mail showing our new season products.  You may have noticed the sticky note on Page 5 showing the new black jacket for the season.  I know you love black jackets, and I think this one will suit your look so well.”

Now, you’ve got her attention because you’ve given her the reason you think she’d love the product.

“Suzie, there are two ways to get the products this season. First and best way, of course, is to get them free hosting your own party, or if you may prefer to attend my own new season product launch on Saturday, August 11.  Which one would work best for you?”

Now, you’re asking her to make a decision.   Perhaps she’s ready to place an order right on the spot.  Perhaps she wants to think about it and get back to you.  But you’re opening up dialogue about your NEW products. You’ll find out if she’s ready to order, or book a party, or maybe she’s interested in joining your team. Of course, if she’s not interested you always want to be professional and share your referral rewards program.

Add social media to your Catalogue Campaign.  Who else wants a new season catalogue?  Find out on social media.  Post lots of benefits about the “new” season products on your facebook page.  Share them on Twitter and post pictures in Pinterest.  If you have a personal blog, write about the new products you love and how you use them and what they will do for you and your clients.

Imagine the possibilities when you implement this “Catalogue” campaign with your team.  It’s like  the ripple effect, 1 team member shares catalogues with 10 customers and then multiply that by 10 team members sharing 10 catalogues and you have  100 customers buying your new season products.

Imagine the sales and bookings that will evolve from implementing this simple and easy campaign. 

This is just ONE of the golden nuggets I shared on our monthly training call  for CG Academy members.    Join us and become a member of the academy.  These are wonderful, dedicated leaders who enjoy

  • Monthly webinar training (with full recording)
  • Belong to a Private Facebook group sharing ideas
  • Direct access to Gale
  • Podcast & Video tutorials
  • Monthly Leader W.I.N. worksheet
  • Handouts & Template on Gale

ALL of the above for just $9.95 a month charter price.  The archives are FULL of training materials to help you grow a million dollar team.  Click here to join NOW!

Are you ready to begin a “Catalogue” Campaign?  

How many catalogues are you planning to send out this week?