cg leaders weekly checklistI was so pumped this week to read a Monday Newsletter from one of my private coaching clients that began with

  • OUTSTANDING Parties!
  • OUTSTANDING Recruiting!
  • OUTSTANDING Teamwork!

The Monday newsletter is part of the CALENDAR GIRLS team booking system that I created to help leaders build million dollar teams.  It’s a proven system I used myself that helped my own team go to the top of the company.

What drove me to use this system consistently every week was the advantage of seeing my team members make money in their direct sales business.  It’s a simple system where the leader creates a team booking goal and the team reports their bookings to a communal calendar.  This way everyone sees who else has bookings.   When you know who else on the team is booking, it gives you a sense of community because everyone is pulling together to achieve the one team goal.  At the same time, when they focus on a goal larger than themselves, they begin to see their own success.

Bottom line,  the team members who contributed to the team goal, were the ones who were earning consistent cash flow every week!    That consistent cash flow gave them a sense of security and confidence.  So, their calendar was always booked.

The Monday newsletter is the communication to keep the team apprised of  what’s important when booking parties.  It keeps them updated with current incentives for the hostess and also the consultants. The Monday newsletter highlights each team member’s success in being on the team calendar. The leader lists each team member who is holding a party and it helps them be accountable.  It also  builds confidence in getting consistent bookings.  This confidence spills over when team members are working with hostesses who are excited to work with an experienced direct seller.

The Monday newsletter highlights team members who are role models for others.   For example when  a mom of two who also holds a fulltime job is always on the CALENDAR GIRLS calendar with one booking a week, it shows others on the team that if this busy mom can do one party a week, so can they.

Leaders keep track using the CALENDAR GIRLS  workbook, which is a crucial part of this system.  This workbook helps the leader focus on her goals in coaching and training her team.  In the picture above, you can see the Leader’s Weekly checklist to keep her on track.

Tracking the team bookings helps the leader discover what training is needed as each person shares the results of their parties.   The workbook  has pages to plan ahead with goals and action sheets.  It also includes enriched articles on training patterns for your team, time management, increasing team sales, recruiting, coaching, using social media and how to hold a team booking blitz.

Is your team struggling with bookings?   Are you a leader who goes in and out of qualification because you’re missing your sales quotas?  One thing this system does more than anything else is create consistency in everyone’s business.  Consistent sales, bookings and consistent recruiting.  There’s even a section helping you develop new leaders.

My client’s team had OUTSTANDING success this past month, and they are all celebrating together at their next team meeting.  This celebration is  creating a strong team community and this strength is what grows million dollar teams.



Is your team working together with a booking system? 

Check out the CALENDAR GIRLS team booking system here.


When the team wins, Everyone wins!





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