
When you first become a leader you want the team to bond together, and one of the best ways to do that is at your TEAM MEETING! Team meetings can make a big impact on your group especially if you know how to recognize their success.

  • “Congratulations, Erin on your promotion to Senior Sales Consultant! Way to go!”
  • “Mary signed a new recruit at a vendor event this week! Awesome!”
  • “We have 10 new Fast Start earners this month! First 30 days FANTASTIC!”
  • “Congratulations to Sharon hitting Team Leader this month! So proud of your determination to keep pressing on.”
  • “Announcing our top seller this month! Mary, I am so proud of your efforts!”

These are positive words of recognition and it is the best way to motivate team members to take action.

This is doubled and tripled when they are recognized IN PERSON at a TEAM MEETING!   One of the secrets of our incredible direct sales industry is the amount of recognition we give for a job well done. It’s the essence of teamwork! When you recognize team members for their efforts,

  • they feel appreciated
  • they feel they have been recognized for the hard work they’ve done, and
  • they feel like they “belong” to a winning team.


Have you heard the term “Being present and in the moment?”

When you recognize team members and you are present and in the moment, you can change the lives of the person you’re recognizing as well as everyone around her!

To be present and in the moment is simply

  • Announcing the winner
  • Bringing her up to the front of the room
  • Looking in her eyes (eye-to-eye contact)
  • Present the award and say,“Suzie, I am so proud of you achieving this award.”
  • Step closer and shake her hand, or if inclined give a big hug!
  • You will see the immense delight on the face of this person.
  • Then, ask her to share with the rest of the group, what she did to achieve the award!

When she speaks from her heart, the whole room will benefit and feel the success! That’s the impact you will have when you use this type of recognition at your LIVE Team Meeting!

In the TEAM MEETING BUNDLE, there is a whole webinar dedicated to RECOGNITION along with an agenda template with 10 ways to create a system that will help you get great attendance at every meeting.

TODAY , FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2016 is the final day for this discount



 I created this bundle which is full of webinars, pdf workbooks and templates to help you create your own energetic and exciting team meeting that nobody will want to miss because it is such an important TOOL to help you grow your leadership skills and have consistent bookings, consistent sales and consistent recruiting on your team!

I can tell you FROM EXPERIENCE, how you make people feel when you RECOGNIZE their efforts with the “present and in the moment” technique! Everyone LOVES to be recognized for their efforts! And it’s this type of TEAM MEETING training that’s in this whole bundle! The code is

TEAMBUNDLE10 – This is a $30.00 discount and it today, FRIDAY


You’ll be amazed at how much your team will TAKE ACTION when they receive this type of recognition from you! And guess who get’s energized as well, yes you! You can never ever give TOO MUCH recognition!