When did you first fall in love with reading?  I always remember my mother calling me to dinner when I had my head deep in a story and had to drag myself away.  I love that saying,

“I am not addicted to reading.  I can stop as soon as I finish the next chapter.”

This year I started a Women’s Business Book Club with a few friends. We put out the word and before we knew it we had thirty women join.  It has been a great year of reading business books that stretched our mind and helped us focus on each of our businesses. Our group is made up of diverse businesses, from Dive Shop owner, to Senior Care Home owner, Interior Designer, Coaching business, Travel Agent, Fitness Instructor, web designer, Insurance Agent.  Each of us were able to apply the principles of the books we read to our own business.

Reading develops you as a person.  We spend so much time on the internet today, taking the time to be quiet, in the moment and reading for me is like a quiet meditation.  I usually read my business books first thing in the morning 30 minutes before I get out of bed.  What about you?  What is the best time of the day for reading time for you?

In the “Mymentorbiz Bulletin,” my bi-monthly ezine, I always recommend and review a personal growth business book in every issue.  I call it “Nightstand” reading.  Here are my 10 best recommendations to help grow you and your direct sales business this coming year.

  1. Think & Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.  These
  2. Purple Cow, by Seth Godin
  3. The No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs, by Dan Kennedy
  4. The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson
  5. The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg
  6. Million Dollar Habits, by Brian Tracy
  7. Go-Givers Sell More, by Bob Berg & John David Mann
  8. How Remarkable Women Lead, by Joanna Barsh and Susie Cranston
  9. E Squared, by Pam Grout
  10. Man’s Search for Meaning, by Victor E. Frankel

If you’re looking for more self-growth in 2014, join our CG Academy membership program for leaders in direct sales.   You get support with

  • A W.I.N. (What’s Important Now) worksheet on the first of every month
  • A one-hour webinar training on team building w/recording
  • Video & Podcast tutorials
  • A “Private” Facebook group

Become a member of the Academy and get in on the ridiculously low charter price of only $9.97 a month NOW! (before it goes up in 2014)

In 2014, we’ll be adding MORE surprises to this program, like a “book club” component to help you keep focused, motivated and on track to succeed in your business.  I recommend you get it now before 2014 additions at the low, low price of $9.97 a month so you get all the new goodies for the charter price!

Make reading part of your plan to enhance your professional growth in 2014!  It will change your business and you!