Yesterday, I met with a friend who’s considering joining a direct sales business.  She’s never been in direct sales before and wanted my advice.  It was interesting as I felt like I was back in the field again, “closing the interview.”

Her roadblock was finding the courage to make a decision.  If you’re interviewing and sharing your business opportunity often, you’ll begin to notice this pattern with many prospects.  In my special report, “7 Ways to Maximize your Income in Direct Sales,”  I talk about having that strong desire to make a decision.  When you make a decision, you cut off all other options and you embrace a “Whatever it takes” attitude, you step into change, and that’s when success happens.

This experience with my friend made me think about all of you who have taken my 90-day recruiting challenge.  If you missed it check it out here.  Some of my clients are focused and setting up interviews every week. Some are having success and getting closer to their goal, but there are some who are taking action, but their prospects haven’t yet made the decision.  Is this happening to you too?

This is the time when we get discouraged, and begin to lose steam and think we’ll never hit the goal. 

Well, I want to tell you this is OKAY!!  This is totally normal!  Most people quit after a couple of weeks and that’s why most people don’t have consistent success.  The trick is to keep interviewing, keep sharing, because suddenly,  one, two or more of those people will decide that “now” is the time.

And so, what if you don’t hit your goal at the end of 90-days?  Adjust your deadline.  The point is to keep focusing on your goal and keep doing the action steps you’ve set out for yourself.  Most importantly follow the instructions I gave you,

  • Keep reading those character traits you wrote down of the ideal prospect
  • Keep viewing the pictures you cut out who look like your ideal prospect
  • Keep following the action steps you wrote down to achieve your goal.
  • Keep reading the affirmations you wrote down “out loud.”

Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that some people can make a decision on the spot, some need to think about it overnight, some people take a week, a month and even years!

Put yourself out there every single week and follow your action steps.  Don’t succumb to what many people do.  They quit because they feel discouraged, or unmotivated.  This is where the rubber hits the road for you, to make your own decision to keep focused on your goal.

If it were easy to succeed, everyone would be successful.  Don’t lose steam now… keep going!  Because, believe me, there are hundreds of people out there who are looking for your opportunity.   Having an abundant mindset and not giving up was my own secret weapon to growing my million dollar team.  If I can do it, you can too!

Need a nudge to help you stay on course with your goal?  Email me for a 30 minute complimentary coaching session at

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