It’s so exciting to see many of my coaching clients and fellow leaders in direct sales creating great results in their direct sales business.  It’s the kind of results that brings them recognition and awards at their conventions and everybody is asking them, “How did you do that?”

One client emailed me  “I had a HUGE conference. Took away just about every award you could. LOL I’m on a roll.”

Some people are looking for a magic solution or a ninja strategy that will skyrocket their business.   But, when I look at these people who are enjoying success and walking across the stage receiving awards, I know the two success strategies they have adopted.  In fact you know them too, and when I share them with you, you’ll probably say, “I already know that.”

But, here’s the deal, I don’t believe you know something until you’re actually implementing it every day in your business.  In other words, it’s something that becomes second nature to you.  So, my theory is, if you don’t do it daily, then you don’t really know it… you’ve only “heard” of it!

So, what are these two simple success strategies that helps people win rewards at national conventions and gets results in their direct sales business?

#1 Taking decisive action every day.  I talk about making a decision in my SPECIAL report “7 Ways to Maximize your Income in Direct Sales.” ( )

Many people “say” they want something badly in life, but when it’s time to take action their inner critic and self doubt creates excuses and stops them from taking serious action.  It all comes down to be willing to act differently than you’re acting today.  Not just thinking differently, but making a bold decision to take action, and taking decisive action every day.

The way to take decisive action is to look at working with the “High Revenue Activities” in your business every day.  When you MAKE A DECISION  to work on  those activities that bring you money in your business, you cut off all other options and you embrace a “Whatever it takes Attitude.  You step into change and that is when success starts to happen.

#2 is Adopting the W.I.T.A.  – Whatever it takes Attitude.

Are you finding a “reason” to avoid taking action?

  • Perhaps you have an opportunity to get a booth at a vendor event, but you say you can’t afford it.
  • Or maybe, you want to reach out to your upline leader for help, bu you hold back because you think you might have to do something out of your comfort zone?
  • Or maybe you stop yourself from hiring a coach, or purchasing a program that will help you get results?

There are two big excuses that stop us from getting the results we want.  “I don’t have the money.” Or “ I don’t have enough time.”   These are the biggest excuses I hear and yes, I’ve even used them myself .

To achieve success you’ve got to be willing to take that decision action and whatever it takes attitude and do it every day.  This is a mindset piece .  It’s about saying “yes” to what’s possible for you and practicing these two success strategies every day.

Here’s an assignment for you today!  Identify the specific excuses that are stopping you from getting enough bookings, finding new prospects to interview, or making those phone calls and following up to get more business.  Write down your excuses, then ask yourself

“What action will I take and will I do whatever it takes?”

 Then come over to our facebook page at and share with us how you’re taking decisive action, and doing whatever it takes – EVERY DAY – in your direct sales business