This week I noticed a post on Facebook that said,

“ Can anyone give me some good advice on parties for July. I would like to “rock it out.”   I am looking for ways to find interested people off line. I have been to vendor events and shows in the past but most of the leads I get are not interested when I call them afterwards. Any advice?”

Here’s some of the advice she was given

  • How about a hostess of the month club? They don’t have to host a party and can still order the specials. Then when it is “their” turn to be the “hostess of the month” they can do a catalog/online party to enhance sales
  • A Christmas in July event?
  • Try 100 no’s .  Make calls and talk to people. Make a list of their names and numbers and count the number you speak with daily. It takes 100 no’s to find 5 to 10 new people. Break it down to a daily goal you can live with.  

While the ideas ABOVE might work well, I find the answer to the question above lies more in building relationships.  As an independent direct sales entrepreneur we need solid relationships to have a healthy calendar full of bookings.

And my best advice to this person, is to develop a system where people can get to know you, like you and trust you!  First, master your connecting abilities in building relationships at networking and trade show events.  Be approachable, introduce yourself, and build a friendship.

As I teach my private coaching clients, when you meet someone new, do you ask them to book a party right away? No!   There’s process you go through that deepens the relationship where people will want to buy your product and book a show.   Here’s how it works

  • You meet them for the first time, and you develop a relationship.  Now they “know” who you are and what type of business you run.
  • Then you follow-up with an invitation to perhaps see your product at a show at your home, or a private one-on-one presentation.   Now, you’re deepening the relationship and this person now “knows” you and “likes” you!
  • When she attends the show at your home or meets you for a one-on-one, the relationship strengthens and you’ll find people now beginning to “trust” you.

 Pay attention to building relationships!  People are interested in your products, they want to know more about how your products can help them, and when they “know you, like you and trust you,” they will be willing to book a party and introduce you to their friends.

Sometimes this process can take minutes!   Sometimes it takes weeks, and sometimes it takes years!   If you focus on building solid relationships using the above method you’ll find when you make those booking calls and follow-up calls, there are people who are anxious to learn more about your products and opportunity, because they “know you, like you and trust you!”

This is a key factor in having a healthy calendar of bookings, not only in July, but EVERY month.

Of course, there’s more ways to continually deepen relationships using systems like

  • A consistent customer care system
  • A referral rewards system, and
  • A networking new business system
  • A calendar confidence system

This is the heart of what I love to do in helping my coaching clients leap forward in their direct sales business.

These systems are party of the DIRECT SALES PLANNER that is a customized central tool for direct sellers to track parties, recruiting appointments and more.   Check it out here.

So, check in with your team members who are struggling in getting bookings.  The more they know about deepening relationships, the less they’ll feel deflated when people don’t book with them, purely because they really haven’t got to “know them, like them or trust them” YET!!

Make a comment if you like this blog post and Email me at  if you’d like a FREE copy of my e-book “A Team Booking Campaign.”