This week, in my coaching business, I was zapped to attention?  By that I mean on each coaching call, the same question kept occurring in each conversation.  As a coach, I am so honored and love working with top leaders in direct sales who are focused, dedicated to growing a dynamic business and helping team members thrive, but it was the third coaching call this week that prompted me to write about  a “New Recruit 90 Day Success System.”

What prompted me to write this article, was hearing the following concerns in  my coaching conversations?

  • Too many new recruits not staying after 30 days
  • No system to track new recruit launch parties
  • No system to track new recruit fast start deadline dates
  • Not setting clear expectations with new recruits
  • Focusing more on my established team members than new recruits
  • New recruits not getting enough bookings in the first 30 days.



The best way to insure that your new team members aren’t slipping through the cracks or not earning those fabulous fast start rewards is to have a solid system in place  to track each person’s progress as she moves through the first 30, 60 and 90 days.

On page 12 of my customized Direct Sales planner I have a specific page for each new recruit to follow a simple success system.  As the picture above shows, she begins by setting her first three business goals

  • Monthly Income goal – how much she wants to earn each month.
  • # Parties she’s willing to do each month to earn that income
  • # Recruits she wants to sponsor in the first 90 days to grow her business

In the Calendar templates on the page she enters

  • Her start date
  • Her first two launch parties
  • Her next 4 parties
  • Her first 30 day deadline date
  • Her second 30 day deadline date
  • Her third 30 day deadline date

Now the expectations are clear with a plan for success. 

On the left hand side of the page there is a “Fast Start Checklist” with step-by-step instructions for each of the 30-60-90 days she’s working her new business.  This customized Planner is a designed to help consultants in direct sales track their parties, their sales and recruit leads.  Take a look here.

Direct sales is a unique industry that rewards people in the first 90 days of starting a business.  As leaders, it’s important you create a clear path for every new recruit who joins your team.

In my coaching conversations this week, I was excited to help each client create their own 90 day Success System for their team.  I hope this blog post will zap your attention to insuring each new member of your team has a clear path to follow to be successful in her first 90 days.

If  feel you need help in implementing or just refreshing your own 90-day success system, email me at for a 30-minute complimentary coaching session.

In the meantime, comment below, and share what success you’re having with your own 90-day New Team Member Success System.