A leader asked me,

“Have you ever been asked to share your products in a presentation for a group of 50 women?”

“Of course,” I answered.  “I did many presentations for small groups and large groups.”

“But,” she said, “there’s one catch.”

“What’s the catch?” I asked.

“They won’t allow me to sell my products.  So, how can this benefit me?  If I share how my products can help them or change their life, and they can’t buy from me, why would I want to do a presentation for them?”

Good Question!  This is what I call “selling without selling” and the benefits to you can be enormous!  It can not only help you increase your sales, get more bookings and find “hot” prospects for your business opportunity, it could be the answer to having a funnel of new clients coming to you on a daily and weekly basis.

The potential for growth in your business is how you structure your presentation!  The key is to have a strong presentation that captures their attention.

So, you can’t sell!   But, you’ve been asked to share your products and when you share all the facts and benefits about your products offering solutions which help them look great, or feel good, or build their confidence, people will automatically want to know how to get them.

So be prepared and create a small packet of samples, brochure and your business card for each participant to take home.   Before you begin your presentation, pass out a draw slip that captures their information.  Their name, address, telephone, email.    Now, they have “your” information and you have “their” information.

And as the old saying goes, “The Fortune is in the Follow-up!”

Some of my best customers, my best hostesses and my top recruiting leads came from doing many presentations where I was selling without selling.  Many of them were

  • Chamber of Commerce presentations
  • Fundraising events
  • Vendor presentations
  • Expo stage presentations
  • Private organization presentations
  • Group Chapter presentations
  • Philanthropic organizations
  • Lunch and Learn Office presentations

People are always looking for speakers or presenters for their organizations, and if you develop a professional, powerful presentation, you’ll find you’ll be in “hot” demand!  And when you develop your follow-up system after the event, you’ll find, not only will you create more business, you’ll develop some of the best relationships and friendships around.

This is one of the systems I’ll be sharing in our upcoming L.E.A.P. Group Coaching program.  We’ll focus on the 8 steps to creating a professional and powerful presentation that builds your confidence and increases your business.

We’ll begin setting goals with a LEADERSHIP SUCCESS JOURNAL that comes with the program.

Click here to learn all the details!

Leave a comment below and share with us what type of events you have held presentations where you weren’t allowed to sell your products.

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