I want to share with you today my top ten business books that help you grow as a leader in your direct sales business.  These are books I refer to over and over again.  They are books that helped me gain insight, have mind shifts and played a crucial role in building my million dollar team.

I believe leaders are readers and information can change your life.  The concepts from many of these books is what we’ll learn and discuss in my upcoming L.E.A.P. Group Coaching program. Here’s my list.

1.    Think & Grow Rich, By Napoleon Hill. NO MATTER where you are in your business, this little book will teach you the principles of success. I refer to his 13 principles of success almost every month.

2.    Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Ecker.  My team learned how to make money and save money, in a millionaire focus group using this book.  I’ll show you how creating focus groups in your team helps build confidence and raises your team sales volume.

3.    The No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs, by Dan Kennedy. Time management is a universal challenge.  In this book you learn how to maximize your time and discipline yourself to be more productive.  It fits in with the Time Management system I introduce to all my coaching clients.

4.    PURPLE Cow, by Seth Godin. Seth says, Be Remarkable!   In L.E.A.P. we will focus on how to be remarkable with a first impression introduction.

5.    Million Dollar Habits, by Brian Tracy. You can never stop learning from Brian Tracy.  Creating habits will grow your business faster than any way I know.  Million dollar habits are proven power practices that will increase your income and grow your business in our L.E.A.P. program.

6.    Direct Selling Power, DSWA.  Where else can you learn from 20 experts who have had huge success in this industry!  Each Chapter is a proven concept, that we’ll focus on in our L.E.A.P. program

7.    21 Laws of Team work, by John Maxwell.  JM is a King of leadership.  I’ll share with you how I creating a HIGH action group on my team using this book.

8.     Success Principles, by Jack Canfield. If you woke up every day and read one of Jack’s 65 principles, you would be a better leader and person.  In the L.E.A.P. program , we’ll focus on my favorite principles that took my team to the top.

If you have a passion to be a better leader, a passion to be successful leader, then join the L.E.A.P. Group Coaching program .

Click here to learn all the details.

Books give you information and information can change your life.  One of our first assignments will be to learn a reading ritual that all top leaders implement to grow a thriving team.

Want more specifics?  Email me at galebates@mymentorbiz.com