Necessity is the Mother of Innovation

Her words in our zoom coaching session this week were, “Necessity is the Mother of Innovation.”    It began when I asked h the question,

“What’s on your mind right now?”

She answered, “I’m trying not to be stressed!”

I’m sure you would probably answer this question the same way right now.  We then continued our conversation on ways she could work around the stress that she and everyone else is feeling right now.

This is Melissa, my friend, my coaching client. Melissa is one of those “True Blue” people as we say down-under. She is a top leader with a very large downline and several leaders in her Direct Sales Business.  She is super organized and runs focused systems that keep her business growing.  She has four children she home schools and has a HUGE heart of service for others.   You’ll always find Melissa going above and beyond for others in her busy life.

And yes, many of her team members are frozen, or feeling shaky.  As we continued our conversation, we uncovered ways for her to ADD VALUE to help her team move through this time of Covid 19.  It was then she remembered, and her smile widened, and she said..

“Necessity is the Mother of Innovation.”

She cast her mind back and shared with me when she first decided she had to innovate. She realized she just didn’t have the time to do home shows out of the house.   Her life with home schooling four children and a team that was growing in leaps and bounds was extremely full and there just wasn’t enough time to spend time driving to someone’s house and taking 3 hours for every party away from home.

So, she had to INNOVATE!

First, she embraced a platform called Vizzly.  Melissa is a total techie who knows how to navigate around the internet to find solutions.  (How, I wish I had that quality myself.)  Now, imagine this, Vizzly is a new platform that many people haven’t heard of (this is way before Covid-19)  so Melissa has to guide her hostesses to invite guests and hold parties using a whole new way.   She did it and it worked.  She was having Vizzly parties and having high sales every month. (Melissa sells anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000 a month.)

Next, Facebook opened up Groups and Melissa decided that Facebook parties were more efficient for her.  She could hold multi-host parties with many hostesses at one time.  She could even hold TEAM mega parties to teach her team how to be successful at Facebook parties.

She INNOVATED again! 

Then, Facebook changed their rules and she decided Facebook wasn’t a viable platform for her and her customers and hostesses, so she INNOVATED again and found a platform called SQWEE.  She was so successful at holding Sqwee parties that her company wanted to learn her innovative ways and offered training for the whole field to learn how to use Sqwee for parties.

And now we are faced with COVID-19. 

Melissa has found that people truly need her product and services as they are essential to the economy.   So, it’s time to innovate again and now Melissa is offering ZOOM party experiences.   Zoom has become a household word and phenomena over night.   Both she and I have been zooming for coaching for the past 3 years, so it was a natural for her and also a natural for her to teach her team.

“Necessity is the Mother of Innovation.”

How are you innovating during this time where the whole world is sequestered and sheltering at home?

The world has gone VIRTUAL!  I’m still holding my coaching sessions on ZOOM, but more than ever my clients are realizing the necessity to help their team members move to a virtual online business.

The party is our business model!   Melissa innovated her business model and it worked virtually for every platform.

To help you innovate and go virtual tool I created a MASTER CLASS for those of you who aren’t quite sure how to go online with your business and hold an online virtual party.   It is an easy to follow “8 Techniques to holding a Virtual Party.”   You can purchase it here for just $27.00


Here’s what Leader, Marijane Relth says, who jumped on this training immediately to share with her whole team.

Someone commented on my Facebook page this week, “How do you recommend structuring your Virtual Parties?”

I love structure and if you’ve been in any of my workshops or trainings you’ll know my style of training is simple and will help you innovate and get results!