q4 next 90 days successIt’s the fourth quarter of the year!   I believe a lot can be accomplished in a 90 day period, but your business can prosper and grow so much more in the “next” 90 days, in Q4!

Here’s what might happen in your direct sales business in the next 90 days.

  • You could have your highest sales ever
  • You could recruit more people than the rest of the year
  • You could promote to the next level of leadership
  • You could promote to the TOP level of leadership
  • You could have your highest team sales ever
  • You could watch your team recruiting double
  • You could promote out more leaders than the rest of the year!
  • You could build your confidence and insure hitting your end of year goals!

I’m super charged in these 90 days working with my coaching clients. I want them to maximize their actions and take advantage of the “busiest” time of the year. There are THREE AREAS we work on in the next 90 days.

First, is FOCUS!  To focus you must have clarity on what you need to achieve by December 31, 2015.

In direct sales focus means maximizing those high revenue activities. What’s your biggest high revenue activity? Parties! And in the fourth quarter it’s possible to have $1,000 parties every week!   Do the math if there’s 10 weeks left til Christmas and you were having $1000 parties every week. Imagine the growth in your income?

One of my team mantra’s was “Every party is a pay day!” It’s this time of 6 pack party success CGyear when people want to know how to live healthy, improve their lifestyle, dress well, organize their homes, cook healthy meals, improve their skin and look beautiful. People “need” your services and your products. They need them for gifts for others because the next 90 days are the biggest gift-giving months of the year.

Focus on maximizing your recruiting opportunities. It’s this time of year when people are looking for “your” opportunity.   They are looking for a way to earn extra cash, work flexible hours and increase their knowledge about entrepreneurship.

Focus and be alert to these people who are looking for you!

I wrote about using the technique of single-minded focus in a recent blog. This is what will propel you to success in the fourth quarter! It’s amazing what results you get when you single-mindedly FOCUS all your attention on ONE strategy or ONE action plan.

Email mymentorbiz@gmail.com for a 30 minute complimentary coaching session on Focus for 90 days.

SECOND, is LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES! Opportunities abound in the fourth quarter of the year. There are more vendor events, holiday fairs, expos and opportunities to showcase your products and your business than any other time of the year. You get to master your skills in meeting strangers and building relationships with people you’ve never met before.   It’s these opportunities where they get to know YOU, who they’ve never met before.  Imagine meeting your next 10 new customers, your next 10 new hostesses and your next 10 new team members because you made a decision to participate in as many of these events as possible in the next 90 days.

These opportunities don’t come up at any other time of the year. It’s these opportunities that grow your customer base, increase your hostess lists and connect you with the people who are looking for a business opportunity.

Catch my posts on Facebook on being alert to opportunities in the next 90 days.

THIRD, is BE CONSISTENT! Yes, it’s the busiest time of the year. But, I have a saying.. “busy people are the most organized people I know.” Busy people are consistent because they pay attention to their calendar. In fact they are vigilant with their calendar and that’s the secret to consistency. The calendar highlights your parties, your recruiting appointments, your team meetings, your business opportunities.

When you’re calendar is full, you have systems in place like the “Calendar confidence” system we work with in the Direct Sales Planner. full calendarSystems like the Calendar Girls Team booking system, that helps leaders build team consistency and watch their team achieve enormous goals, especially in the fourth quarter of the year.

Follow my tweets on Twitter on being super consistent for the next 90 days.

Do you think you can do these THREE THINGS for the next 90 days?

Let’s talk!   Email mymentorbiz@gmail.com for a 30 minute complimentary coaching session on the one area you need to achieve your goals by December 31, 2015.  We’ll lay out a specific plan for you and your business.

Q4 is your opportunity to end your year profitable!   A lot can be accomplished in 90 days, but you can really grow and prosper in the final quarter of the year. If you’re interested in being part of a 90-day challenge group, join us on Facebook here.

And share below in our comments section what you’re doing to MAXIMIZE your business in the fourth quarter of 2015!