follow up customers a-zThis morning I read on a Facebook post, that the “#1 reason why direct sellers fail is lack of follow-up and follow-through.” It was rather timely as I was in the middle of writing this blog post.

We’ve all heard the phrase the fortune is in the follow-up and we all know how important it is to have a system or routine that helps us get back to customers, prospects and hostesses in a timely manner. So, what do you think is the BEST tool for follow-up and follow-through? I have the answer for you, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.

It’s simply making follow-up CALLS!   NOT emails! NOT texts! NOT Instant Messages on Facebook. It’s picking up the phone! It’s on the telephone where you make a true connection with someone because they hear the tone of your voice. And it’s the tone of your voice that makes people FEEL GOOD and appreciate you!

When you’re talking on the telephone it delivers the warmth of your smile even though they can’t see it. It delivers positive, uplifting, encouraging words. These words “said” by you and “heard” by someone immediately leads to a strong connection.   People are enlightened and eager to get to know you through the upbeat tone of your voice. It’s these strong connections via you voice and personality that lead to wonderful relationships with customers, hostesses and prospects. And these wonderful relationships lead to a profitable business.

 All because you chose to use this valuable tool called the TELEPHONE!telephone call now

In this day of SUPER technology, I find so many people just don’t want to pick up the phone. They much prefer to send a message with the “written” word, rather than sharing their beautiful melodic voice on the telephone.

And then it happens. You’re in a slump, you run out of bookings. Your cash flow is low and your momentum is slowing down. Team members are leaving. Things seem to be moving in a downward direction. When this happens you have the most VALUABLE TOOL to help you turn your business around.

However, you think that tool weighs one thousand pounds. You think that tool won’t work because nobody will want to TALK to you. So you send out 150 emails “hoping” to get a response. You put off making the phone calls because you hope “one” of those 150 people will respond and book a party. But alas, you don’t hear from ONE person and pretty soon, you think you’re just not cut out to have a direct sales business. When all it took was some organization, a little bit of courage and determination to make things happen by getting on the phone and TALKING to people.

The phone becomes even MORE valuable when you use it consistently every day, every week, every month in your business with a well thought out follow-up, follow through system.2015-Direct-Sales-Planner-ebook-no-backgrounde

Do you have a Telephone CALL LOG? One of the most successful follow-up systems for my million dollar team was using a 20-calls Worksheet system. This year I have incorporated this worksheet into the DIRECT SALES PLANNER. You simply write in 20 people you need to call. Write the names of Customers, Hostesses, Recruit leads, and the reason to connect with a column for comments when you make a connection. It’s the easiest follow-up, follow-through system you’ll find and it’s all in ONE place in the DIRECT SALES PLANNER.

If you want more bookings, if you want more sales, if you want a more consistent cash flow and more people joining your team. If you want more energy, more excitement –


More PHONE calls mean more MONEY!   It’s not brain surgery, it’s not a mystery, there is energy that takes place when you make phone calls. The bottom line is the more calls you make the more business you generate!

All because you used this most valuable tool in your Direct Sales business, 


Want more information on growing your team with a specific follow-up, follow-through system? I’ll share more of how to prepare for these calls and get the results you want. Email me at and schedule a 30 minute complimentary coaching call. I’m looking forward to getting your call and hearing “your” voice!