Do you love to plan, but have trouble taking action?   Summer planning and taking action is critical if you want to have a sustainable direct sales business.

We are on to Day 3, so catch up with us and download your FREE Summer Action Plan workbook.

Download your 30-day Summer Action Plan WORKBOOK here!

This picture is worth 100 action steps!

one action every day

It shows the power of doing one activity every day.

My grandson was given a challenge by his teacher. He had to create a project to do ONE action every day for 100 days. He is a crazy fisherman and loves to go fishing with his father and brother and knows the English and Hawaiian names of all the fish. He decided to make a 100-fish pole. He got a bamboo pole and cut 10 fishing lines to hang from his pole and each day he cut out a fish made from a template and glued a crystal eye to each fish. He’s also crazy about crystals! (LOL) Now, let’s look at how you will take action every day!

summer action plan day 3

We are going to help you create your own 10 action steps! From these 10 action steps, you will choose to do ONE action every day over the summer.


Step 1 – Write out your GRAND Summer Goal. What do you want to achieve in your business by the end of August? You have to space to write a few sentences. Want to move to the next career level? Look back at Day 1 where you set your summer intentions. Tie your Grand Summer goal to your summer intentions.

Step 2 – Now, come up with a focus word. One word you can focus on every day over the summer. One word that sums up how you will work your business during the next 90 days of summer. A word that will become the compass that keeps you on track and guides you to take action every day.

Step 3 Now Break your Grand Summer Goal down into 3 Sub goals. So, for example if you want to expand your team with 10 new people. Think about three deadlines over the next three months and how many you want to recruit.

Step 4 You are now getting very clear with what you need to do to achieve your goal. Clear action steps in your business are all about selling, booking and recruiting.  If you want to create new leaders, you want to work with them on selling, booking and recruiting. So come up with 10 action steps that you want to work on over the next 3 months to achieve the goal plan you’ve laid out.

Remember, ONE action step every day!

When you have an action plan, you have a blueprint for success. This action plan will help you

  • accomplish something every day in your biz
  • eliminate your wasted time on wrong things
  • hyper-focus on your biz every day
  • motivate you and your team every day
  • Blast through distractions and taking action
  • Keep your passion and energy high
  • Make your summer goals simple and easy to accomplish

This ONE PAGE action plan is a tool that has helped many of my clients stay focused and on track with their goals. It can revolutionize your summer business!

I want to know when you have completed your ONE-PAGE action plan, so please come on over to my Facebook page and comment and let me know how it feels to be ready for action for the whole summer!

Don’t forget to comment below how this 30-days of focus is helping you. And remember to share this with a team member or colleague who also wants to stay productive over the summer.