summer action plan 2

Summer planning is so important, but taking action is critical to your success in your direct sales business.

I hope you have downloaded my FREE Action Plan workbook and written down your intentions for DAY 1 on the space provided. With a solid focus on what you want over the next three months, you are now ready to map it out following along with each day’s activity!

Download your 30-day Summer Action Plan WORKBOOK here!

Day 2 is about creating Summer Biz Hours

summer time blocking

Brian Tracy says, “One of the differences between successful people successful people and average people is how they value and manage their time. Ask yourself, “what is the most valuable use of my time, right now’, and work on that activity right away until it is completed.”

Remember, the reason you work as an entrepreneur is you are free to choose your own working hours. So, summer hours must be scheduled around kids summer camps, family outings, and vacations. This is reality!

Today, go to your workbook on Page 3 and create your summer schedule with a simple time blocking exercise.   Follow the instructions laid out in the workbook.

Step 1 will help you realize exactly what time blocks you are committed to this summer.

Step 2 is a big one, because it’s summer and you are planning personal lifestyle events with family.

Step 3 will show you how many three hour blocks of time you have available each week over the summer.

Every time I teach this exercise, entrepreneurs are absolutely surprised at how much time they have available to keep their business consistent through the summer. It’s a simple mind shift, but having a summertime schedule is the first step to creating repeatable success patterns in your business.

Next, answer the questions on the worksheet. The most important question is how many hours will you COMMIT to working your business every week over the summer. Write that number down!   Then answer the next three questions on how many parties online and offline, and interviews with prospects you will COMMIT to taking action on during the next three months.

Once you know the hours you have available to work during the summer, then it’s easy to create a summer action plan working around your family and your lifestyle. Most of my clients do this exercise WEEKLY!  If you want to be organized over the summer in having fun with family and travels, you MUST schedule your biz hours to keep your business consistent.

Once you are committed to the number of parties and interviews you will schedule during the summer, then you know your business will thrive and stay consistent during these critical months.

Are you in the game working on your action plan?   An action plan that is in front of you every day will grow your business and keep it consistent like nothing else.

Now, do me a favor and jump over to my Facebook page and leave the Number of TIME BLOCKS you have available to work your business this summer, and comment on how you’ll structure that time each week.

You’ve made it to Day 2 and set your summertime biz hours. Tomorrow get ready to create a GRAND Summer action plan! Leave a comment below about working your own summertime biz hours!

And p.s. if you know a team member or colleague who would benefit from this 30-day action plan to help them stay productive over the summer, then please share this blog with them.