A summer action plan helps you stay focused around a myriad of distractions. When you stick to your plan you have consistent sales, bookings and recruits added to your team.

It’s Day 16!   What kind of system do you have to serve your customers? Learn a specific system in your Summer action plan workbook.

Download your 30-day Summer Action Plan WORKBOOK here!day 16 vip customer

It used to be when people were happy with your service, they told 10 to 12 people. Nowadays with social media and mobile marketing, people can rally hundreds and thousands of people to try your service within minutes! As a direct seller, you say

  • THANK YOU when you take the order
  • THANK YOU when you get the booking
  • THANK YOU again before you leave the party
  • THANK YOU note the next day
  • THANK YOU when you send your customer newsletter
  • THANK YOU with a social media
  • THANK YOU when you follow-up

You cannot say THANK YOU enough! Great customer service is not an accident, it is the result of preparing a pathway to make it easy for satisfied customers and raving fans to spread the word about your excellent service.

Today we’re going to explore 5 ways to create customer loyalty with a “Kicker” touch that will grow you a consistent loyal customer base. Follow along on Page 11 of your Summer Action Plan workbook.

First Touch. Believe it or not the first touch is before the party. When you get the guest list from your hostess, send a postcard to each guest to say you’re looking forward to meeting her at the party.  Seem like too much work?  Believe, me this one action will help make a difference in having successful parties.

Second Touch. Greet guest at the party with a handshake and continue to build the relationship during the party. During this time, your guest will get excited about the products from your fantastic demonstration. She may consider booking a party or even looking at your business opportunity.

Third Touch. Send a THANK YOU note after the party. This small gesture makes you stand out from other direct sellers and will make your customers raving fans who want to do MORE business with you. A postcard in the mail from you two days after a party, will impress a guest about your excellent service.

Fourth Touch. Connect on the phone after her order arrives. Don’t up-sell simply touch her to insure she loves her purchase. Again, this small gesture that makes the difference and separates you from others.

Fifth Touch. Schedule your next connection 2-3 weeks after she’s received her products. Share the latest sales or upcoming hostess specials and continue building the friendship and offer your first-class customer service.

Try these first FIVE touches then create a Customer care follow-up system that works for you where you consistently receive re-orders every month.

Download the Simple Customer Care freebie,

that’s available on your Summer Action workbook.

customer service quotes

Here’s the KICKER TOUCH! With her permission (this is so important) ask her to receive your monthly customer newsletter and then, ask if she’d like to be included in your special VIP CUSTOMER Facebook Group.

A VIP Customer Facebook Group allows you to touch your customers to be the FIRST to hear about company specials, to offer your own specials and to allow your customers to truly get to know you when you share positive and wonderful things about your products and your business opportunity.

Summer is a great time before the busy season arrives to create an automated customer care system in your life. Want more details on this? schedule a 30 minute complimentary strategy session. Email mymentorbiz@gmail.com today!

Have you created a VIP CUSTOMER FACEBOOK GROUP? Let me know by commenting on my Facebook page or instagram.

Don’t forget to comment below how these daily blogs are helping you stay focused with your business over the summer.

Want more new hostesses? That subject will be on the blog tomorrow!