Network Marketing Mentor

Ready to be a Winner and Show up?

Ready to be a Winner and Show up?

This week the winners were announced from many corporate direct sales companies. I was over the top because HALF of the incentive winners in one company were my own FABULOUS coaching clients. Congratulations to Amanda, Donna, Crystal, Kelli, April, Jill, Tara, Kim,...

What if I could show you a way…

What if I could show you a way…

Yesterday, I got on the phone and said “Hello, what are you celebrating in your business this week?”   I heard the tears choking back in the throat and a voice trying to be chipper said, ‘Hello Gale, I…” – tears and sniffing. This morning, I got another call and said,...

Struggling to engage with your team?

Struggling to engage with your team?

Are you are member of a private group on Facebook? I LOVE the private groups I’ve created in the mymentorbiz community. In each one most of the members feel like it’s a safe place to share their thoughts in a genuine and authentic way without promoting negativity.This...

Facing Goals in February FULL ON in your DIRECT SALES Biz!

Facing Goals in February FULL ON in your DIRECT SALES Biz!

January was a very busy month for direct sellers!   I encouraged my coaching clients to set their goals for the first 90 days of the year, and recruit three people as soon as possible. We worked on the exercises in the RECRUITING BLUEPRINT strategy and voila they...

A Direct Sellers Most Valuable Tool

A Direct Sellers Most Valuable Tool

This morning I read on a Facebook post, that the “#1 reason why direct sellers fail is lack of follow-up and follow-through.” It was rather timely as I was in the middle of writing this blog post. We’ve all heard the phrase the fortune is in the follow-up and we all...

What signs are showing up in your Direct Sales Biz?

What signs are showing up in your Direct Sales Biz?

I got off the phone this week on a Discovery call with a leader who is committed to growing her business. Her exact words were, “I’m human and I want results and I want them now. I want someone on my side that can help me nurture my business!” I know from experience...

The Gift of being an Entrepreneur in Direct Sales

The Gift of being an Entrepreneur in Direct Sales

Today is Christmas Day and I love the time we spend sharing good food, exchanging gifts and just “being” with family and friends. I remember when I joined direct sales back in 1994 and my sponsor gave me the wonderful gift of direct sales. Her gift set me on a path to...

What Gets Scheduled, Get’s DONE!

What Gets Scheduled, Get’s DONE!

This week in our Group coaching call, everyone shared an answer to a question I posed to the whole group. “If you look back at your year, what would you have done differently?” This question gave everyone a chance to reflect on their business for the whole year and...

Now is the Time to “Stay the Course” in your DS Biz

Now is the Time to “Stay the Course” in your DS Biz

The new year is only 26 days away! Are you panicked about keeping the focus during this incredibly busy and sometimes frantic time of the year? It’s so easy to push back at this time of year, but leaders who stay motivated to achieve those important year-end goals...

It’s That Time of Year to Connect!

It’s That Time of Year to Connect!

It is that time of year to connect! It’s that time of year when you have the opportunity to add the most new business through connecting with meeting people you’ve never met before, meeting people you haven’t seen in a while, and meeting people you usually see once a...


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