Business Strategy SphereAre you are member of a private group on Facebook? I LOVE the private groups I’ve created in the mymentorbiz community. In each one most of the members feel like it’s a safe place to share their thoughts in a genuine and authentic way without promoting negativity.This week in our private group with the CG ACADEMY members, I asked the question,

“What are the biggest struggles you have engaging with your team?”

Three big universal answers came up that most leaders struggle with

  • I find it hard to engage with team members who are long distance
  • I find it tough in getting them to respond and take action
  • I find it difficult working with New team members who just want to sell to family/friends.

These are all very valid concerns, but the ONE word to think about when engaging with your team is CONNECTION! Building strong connections with team members will help you engage with them no matter if they are long distance. When they are long distance you spend time reaching out to make that strong connection.

A strong connection will help you to get them to respond to take action. When you speak to them from your heart and share the benefits in taking action that is good for “them” and their business, they will respond. New team members are the most important connections to develop in the first 30-60-90 days to build it strong. These are crucial days for a new recruit even if they only want to sell to family and friends.

But, there is another way to feel confident and not struggle to engage with your team and that2015-Calendar-girls-workbook-no-background is initiating a TEAM COMMUNICATION STRATEGY. This strategy is laid out in the CALENDAR GIRLS Team Booking system. In the TEAM communication strategy we focus on growing a positive culture of communication and behavior that drives daily success actions. The goal is to engage a team of like-minded team members who work together to achieve their own goals and the team goals. In this communication strategy we create a positive environment that helps you improve your own leadership skills in supporting and guiding your team.

This communication strategy is based on ONE solid message you give when you connect. It’s the message of , “I appreciate you” as a team member who is a great contributor to our team. It’s this appreciation that is warm, authentic and let’s your team members know you care. I call it “loving” on your team.

In the CALENDAR GIRLS Team Booking system we follow three important rules. Simply, set positive expectations, communicate weekly through a team newsletter and Facebook team page, and communicate via phone before and after parties. This communication strategy is laid out in Sections one and two of the workbook.communication system CG workbook

So I’m asking you the same question, “What are your struggles engaging with your team?” Take a moment and read the CALENDAR GIRLS Team booking system link here and invest in growing your leadership skills. It’s this system that brought my team to the number one position in our company. It was the message, “I appreciate you” that gave us that feeling of being ONE UNIT in achieving this extraordinary success.

This proven system  comes with a complete workbook and webinar. There are 10 sections to help you grow your leadership skills and engage with your team, as well as a calendar to track your team goals. The webinar will show you exactly how to initiate the system to get maximum results.

When you CONNECT and build strong relationships with a solid system like CALENDAR GIRLS, it doesn’t feel like work. It feels like the whole team is working together as one!

Share with us “your” team struggles in the comments below.   Or contact me for a 30 minute complimentary coaching session at  2015 is the year to CONNECT and grow a strong and dynamic team!