Every week in my leadership training and coaching conversations I hear from leaders about members on their team who struggle to get bookings at parties.   And I believe this comes from lack of confidence in asking for the booking.  As a leader, you may hear,

“I’m think I’m going to quit,”  or

“This business is just too hard.”

One of the best ways to help your team gain confidence in getting bookings at parties is to train and coach them on the basic tool of handling concerns (or some call them objections) when asking for the booking.

Most leaders and companies do a great job in teaching consultants how to “ask” for the booking, but I find there’s not enough emphasis on teaching people how to handle a concern.

When you ask for a booking with a guest and she gives you her concern, it’s a matter of knowing how to address the concern and go a little further in a professional manner.  This is the key to gaining confidence.  It’s that type of confidence that top sellers have at every party. They know, because they are confident in themselves, that they will get at least 2 bookings at every party.

Addressing the concern and going a little further is what I call the “nudge!”  How do you nudge people when they give you and objection  or a concern without seeming desperate or overbearing?

First, address her concern, and then give her more information.  It’s that simple!

So, if someone says,  I’m too busy, I couldn’t possibly do a party.  Do you say, “okay” and leave it at that?  Or do you say,

“I understand.  You know, busy people are the most organized people I know.  However,  all you need to do is invite the people and I do the rest.  We have fun with your friends,  and you get great product for free!  Let’s look for a date that will work for you and your busy schedule.” 

This is nudging a guest to book.  It’s done in a professional way.  She was probably thinking it was going to take a ton of her time to hold this show, but you allayed her fears with more information  about how easy it would be to hold a party, even though she is a really busy person.  You’ve let her know how much fun  she’ll have with her friends and enjoy getting products for free.

Another common concern we hear a lot is “I don’t know if my friends will come!  “  More information and a little nudge from you might be

“Why don’t we set a tentative date.  I’ll call you in two days to confirm this date.  Meanwhile, let’s make a list of the products you’ll get for free as a hostess.”

 You’ve handled her concern, you’ve given her a time frame and you’ve focused on what’s in it for her.

Then there’s the concern when someone says, “I don’t know enough people!”  A nudge or information for her might be.

“You know Susie we start with four people, and you could ask each to bring a friend.  Some of my best parties are with four people because I given them lots of attention.  I have hostesses who get great credits with four guests.”

Another concern you’ll hear coming up soon, so be prepared for this one. “I don’t think it’s a good time. It’s summer and everyone is on vacation!”

How do you give her more information and a nudge?   By simply saying,

“This is one of the best times to schedule a party.  It gives Mom’s a time out party without the kids.”   

 So next time you ask for a booking and you hear a concern or objection, don’t be passive and say, “Okay.”

Take a deep breath and learn to go a little further and give them a little nudge and  very professionally  give them more information on how easy it is, or what she can expect to happen, or how much fun it will be with her friends and remind her of the great hostess benefits she’ll get when she books a party with you.

Leaders, teach this very basic, fundamental topic to every one of your team members.  This is a tool to help your team members build their confidence in getting two bookings at every party and having a full calendar.

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