This week, I held my FREE CALENDAR GIRLS Team Booking system Webinar and on most of my teleseminars I usually say to my guests,

“When you’re listening to this webinar today, I want you to hear yourself saying, “I already know that.” And that’s because many times we think we know something, but I believe unless you’re fully implementing what you ‘THINK” you know in your business every WEEK, then you don’t really know it.”

How many teleseminars and webinars do you listen to every week?

We are living in the information age and there are lots of wonderful, exciting and very helpful training seminars that are available today. Many, of which, are FREE training. It got me thinking, how many teleseminars and webinars do people listen to every week?

Are you a teleseminar/webinar junkie? Are you listening to all this great information and learning from it? Are you truly spending your time wisely listening to information that will bring you the results you want in your direct sales business?

Results like, high sales from every party?
Results like a FULL calendar of bookings rolling out every 4 weeks?
Results like sponsoring a one-two new recruits every month?
Results like promoting a new leader?

Results like a recent participant in my webinar who wrote,

“Gale, I want to thank you for your Leadership training and for the DIRECT SALES Calendar Planner. This month my interviews have been “Wonderful!” I’ve had four interviews, and 3 out of 4 have signed up and one of them has already had her first launch party and signed-up a team member. My TEAM is really starting to GROW! Thank You Again!”

This is a webinar attendee who is “implementing” what she’s learning.

I think teleseminars and webinars are one of the greatest learning tools of our modern information age. However, I would encourage you to ask yourself after every seminar.

What did I learn?
• How can I implement it in my business? and
• When can I implement it as soon as possible?

On my own FREE Webinars, I always ask attendees to post a “Golden Nugget” on my Facebook business page on what they learned in the training and how they will implement it within one week! Join my Business Facebook Page and you’ll learn some great ideas from your fellow direct sellers. Here’s one from this week’s webinar.

“Thanks for an awesome call Gale couldn’t find the web but took lots of great notes from the call and have found that hearing things often something new stands out each time. Have been using a lot of the ideas from the academy this year tonight the term 6 Pack Strategy stood out as different ideas for girls that protest they can’t do more than one party a week. will work with them to come up with their own creative ideas. Great call boost for leaders new and seasoned. Thanks Gale. From Canada.”

Join this wonderful group of inspired women at

If you want to listen to this month’s FREE Webinar sign up for my EZINE by downloading “7 Ways to Maximize your Income in Direct Sales.” on this website.

Share a comment below  your results from implementing what you learned from my webinars or other teleconferences this week?