90 day challenge banner

I love Facebook Groups!  They are one of the best ways to grow friendships, get ideas and build community,  I have four Facebook groups for my clients and a free one called the “Mymentorbiz 90-day Challenge Group” where we focus on achieving goals in a 90-day period.  Join here.

vip customer facebook group add

One of the big systems I teach my clients is a structured  “Customer Care” system.   They know the importance of building deep relationships with customers by having a scheduled follow-up system.  Enter the age of social media, and now we have an additional way to serve and add VALUE with a VIP Customer Facebook Group.

I am witnessing my coaching clients build enormous value and success with this special platform. Facebook groups are about building community. Let me share with you today 5 steps to add value with a VIP CUSTOMER FACEBOOK GROUP

#1 CREATE the group! Create a “closed” group rather than a public or secret group. A closed group means you add people as the administrator so you are controlling who joins. This is YOUR group of very important customers you want to build a deep relationship.

#2 Email your customers to join or mention it in your customer newsletter. You can also send a personal message invite to your Facebook connections. Another way to invite is to post the invitation on your personal page. It’s extremely important to “INVITE” people to join! Don’t just ADD anyone without their permission. Nothing makes people more irate than being added to a group without their permission.

#3 Create a fun banner. Use canva or a simple app like “wordswag” to create a fun banner with a special name such as “Gale’s VIP Customer Facebook Community.” Or just add a wonderful image of some of your products with the name of your community over it. Then create a clear description and your purpose for creating the group. Here’s an example:

“Welcome to my client VIP community! I am so happy to connect with each of you and get to know you better while serving your needs with my products. In this group I will be offering you exclusive sales, specials and giveaways as my special VIP customers. My giveaways will be called FRIDAY FEEBIES.

If you know a friend who would enjoy being a member of this group, please invite them. However, ask their permission first. For every member added, you will receive an additional entry into our Friday Freebie drawing. Thank you for supporting my Direct Sales business and helping me share my passion for helping others with my awesome products.” 

#4 Post often in your VIP Customer Facebook Group. Post benefits and solutions about your products!   Take the time to create a list of ALL the benefits and solutions your products offer, so you can get organized and schedule posts each week. Most of all be “conversational” about how your products make people feel and what solutions they offer your customers. Things you can say are… “Did you know,” or… “At my party last, week I found,” or… “My last hostess loved.”  Creating conversation around your parties and your business will show the passion you have in helping others with your products.

freebie Friday

Offer a drawing each week for these special VIP’s. One of my clients doesn’t just do a drawing, she posts what she’ll give away for the week and shares a FUN question or statement!   Then she asks her customers to “like” and “comment” to be in the drawing, so she is literally creating community interaction.

#5 Be authentic and friendly. The people in your group love being part of this community especially if you’re answering questions to help them improve their life.   Keep sharing things they love to hear about! Most of all share a lot about you, your business and your life as a direct sales entrepreneur.

The bottom line is everything you post you want to ADD VALUE for them.  BE the person people want to be with! Be friendly, be happy, be positive and knowledgeable about your products.

A VIP Customer Facebook Group is a wonderful extension to growing deeper relationships with your customers and is a way to grow a happy and loyal customer community, especially for those who love to be on social media and love to belong to YOUR special group.

LEAP group coachingA Customer Care system is one of the trainings I offer in my L.E.A.P. Group coaching program. We create a step- by-step system that helps you make money in one of the 5 income streams in direct sales, and that’s your “re-order” business. If you’re not following up and earning a specific income stream every month with a structured Customer Care system, you’re leaving money on the table.

I had a new client email me last week saying, “I think I’m ready for coaching.” We have openings in the L.E.A.P. Group coaching program right now!

Are you ready? If you’re ready to learn systems and strategies to grow your business Read the L.E.A.P. details right here!   It’s the perfect time of the year to plan and systematize your business. Come Join us in L.E.A.P.