One of the best ways to be productive and motivated in running my online business is to make sure I’m working on my personal development and that means reading, watching and listening to material that inspires me to focus on what I love to do.  

Loving what I do is mentoring entrepreneurs who struggle with overwhelm and procrastination to take massive action in determining the “right” goals to grow their business.

The “right” goals are those goals that intertwine with systems and strategies that help entrepreneurs get results.  Results where their income is increased, their client list doubles and their habits and routines create a  work flow that works for them.

You can call it self-care, personal development or even downtime, but scheduling time in your planner to take your mind to a different place where you think and feel happy and fulfilled helps you open the possibilities for all kinds of growth. Each month, I schedule in my planner, the books,  the videos, movies, audio books and podcasts I want to explore to upgrade my thinking and open my views on different perspectives.  It’s all part of my PURPOSEFUL PLANNING system.

I thought I’d share this month’s plan with you and hope it helps you make the time to read, watch and listen to material that will inspire you to grow and learn.   I believe this is an important area of growing a business and being an entrepreneur!

Let’s get to it…


The Power of Discipline, by Daniel Walter.  I’m actually re-reading this book because I found it so energizing.   And I find reading a book twice you gain more knowledge on the subject.  I usually read early as part of my morning routine.

In this book, Chapter 1 begins with “self” discipline.  I’ve found myself to be quite self-disciplined in some things, and not in others.  I think this is an overall trait for entrepreneurs.

The author tells us, at the core of self-discipline is confidence.  When you are more self-disciplined you raise your self-confidence and when you have a higher self-confidence you feel good about life and yourself.  Confidence is one of the VALUES in my coaching practice as I believe when entrepreneurs feel confident, they become unstoppable.

When you are self-confident in setting  the ‘RIGHT’ goals for your business, you have the success you want.  These can be small goals or big goals, it doesn’t matter.  I talk about this in my YOU TUBE video –  the THREE POWER STEPS to setting the “RIGHT”  goals for your business.  WATCH IT HERE.

Overall this book shows us the benefits of having self-discipline.  It says, “Self-discipline unlocks the door to personal fulfillment and opens the door to the life you have been reaming of. With self-discipline, the average person can rise further than intelligence and talent alone will take them and the ordinary person can become extraordinary.” Set aside time for yourself on a quiet afternoon and read this book, it will inspire you to grow your business.

 find more books I recommend on my website under

“Gale Recommends.” HERE


I’ve become a you tube geek….  Especially, when it comes to learning how to do something like gardening.  Gardening is a new interest for me, especially, Bonsai. So YOU TUBE is my GO-TO how-to for learning something new.

However, what I’m watching MOST on you tube in October is CHI GONG exercise videos.  It’s become  part of my morning exercise routine.

I feel like I’m LEARNING while I’m exercising and feel so great after my morning CHI GONG routine.  

Here’s the CHI GONG EXERCISE I’m watching and working on  this month. Chi Gong is perfect for the mind and the body and after every exercise, I feel invigorated and ready to start my day.

If you want to take your mind off EVERYTHING, watch a series on Sundance called THE SPLIT!  It’s great!

I’m learning how to set myself the “RIGHT” GOALS when  gardening and doing chi-gong to increase my knowledge and get the results I want to feel like I have another “win” under my belt.

“WINS” ARE IMPORTANT TO YOUR WELL BEING. We celebrate ‘WINS” in my Facebook community every Friday.   Join us here.


I would hazard a guess that many of you are like me and like to multi-task.  So when I’m listening to podcasts and books on my phone, I’m usually walking, riding my exercise bike or knitting.   It’s my FAVORITE WAY TO MULTI-TASK.

I usually do a 2-1/2 mile walk  4 times a week and the days I’m not walking I do 30 minutes on my exercise bike.  This bike has been one of the best buys on Amazon.    It’s light, not complicated.  In fact I haven’t even hooked it up to know how many miles I bike, I just do my 30 minutes and LISTEN to my favorite audio book or podcast.

My favorite audio book I’ve just finished is a book called HORSE by Geraldine Brooks.  It’s a book about a discarded painting a junk pile,, a skeleton in an attic and the greatest racehorse in American history.  As it says, “a sweeping story of spirit obsession, and injustice across American history.”    If you like Art History, Horse Racing and historical novels, you’ll love this book.

This month’s podcasts I’m loving are

  • The Daily Stoic with Ryan Holiday.  Ryan is a wealth of knowledge on books to read and has a monthly newsletter on book recommendations, I never miss reading his email.
  • Easy Scaling with Jordan Schanda King. 
  • Expand your Fempire with Caterina Rando. 

I hope this blog post inspires you to keep yourself motivated in achieving your goals.  

  • Read a book that inspires you to take action towards your goal.
  • Watch a video or movie that helps you take time to rest & learn.
  • Listen to a podcast or audio book while you walk, run or ride a bike and enjoy the fruits of multi-tasking.

If you’re looking for a community of goal setters who practice these three areas of self development, then join us in the GOAL GETTERS SUPERSTARS group on Facebook.

DISCLAIMER   The blogposts you read may contain affiliate links, which means if you purchase through my links I may receive a very small amount of the sale. This doesn’t change the price you pay. I am affiliate with Amazon’s Affiliate program, as well as others. Thank you for your support!