Recently, I was on in a coaching session and was reminded of the “consistency” rules I share with all my clients.   My coaching client  was so excited to share with me she had become a member of the 8333 club.

What is the 8333 Club? It’s a club I discuss with my coaching clients who want to grow a six-figure income business. When you’re earning an income  in the amount of $8,333.33 per month and you multiply that by 12 months, your income is $100,000 per year.  My client shared with me the success she had in moving to this level is following the “consistency” rules that are part of all my mentoring sessions. This is my passion and purpose in mentoring entrepreneurs who want success. 

When you become a member of the 8333 club, you are transforming lives!   Yes, you’re earning a great income, but you now have the opportunity to choose wisely and make strong decisions because you feel safe and secure with income that pays for important things in your life.  Most of all you have built deep relationships with clients, customers and colleagues who value your service.

So, what’s the secret to becoming a member of this esteemed 8333 club?  CONSISTENCY!   Here are the CONSISTENCY RULES that makes the difference in growing your Business.

#1 Consistency Rule:  A weekly planning ritual. I wouldn’t be able to get it all done without my Sunday planning session with myself.  It’s a simple ritual where I focus on three things.

  • 3 goals for the week
  • A to-do list of action steps to hit those goals.
  • Schedule everything in my planner.

This is the FIRST exercises I teach all my clients if they want consistency in their business. 

#2 Consistency Rule: Set up systems to manage your growth. One of the major systems I work with my coaching clients is a time Management system.  This system helps you stay on task in getting projects completed.  It’s a big focal point in my yearly planner.  Having 3-5 blocks of time scheduled for the “Must do” projects and tasks in your planner never fails you when you see the results you’re looking for.  This system keeps you organized in running your business as maintaining your own busy life.   We focus on a weekly TIME MANAGEMENT grid that makes you feel in control of your business with the right blocks of time assigned to getting projects completed.

#3 Consistency Rule: Build relationships and focus on others. You know this is important to your business, and you’e probably saying, I already do this,  but the key here is DO YOU DO IT CONSISTENTLY?  When you consistently focus on building relationships and meeting new customers, you’re growing your list of potential ideal clients.  That means you a consistently networking, meeting new people, booking one-on-one appointments and having conversations every week.  I gauge my lead generation growth on how many conversations I’m having every week.  

#4 Consistency Rule: Invest in yourself. Entrepreneurs who invest a portion of their income in personal growth and self-development understand the value of outside resources in growing themselves.  For myself, I invest in coaching, in attending seminars, and having automation in my business with specific organizational tools. 

#5 Consistency Rule: Have a clear “WHY” to drive your success. Your “why” helps you zero in on your purpose or reason to become a 6-figure income earner.  It’s that purpose that helps you get up every day and enjoy every part of meeting people, servicing clients, and attending to new and potential new clients.  If you’re not clear with your “why” you’ll be wishy-washy about the actions you take.  With a clear “why,” you are intentional about being consistent in growing your business every day.

#6 Consistency Rule: Have patience! This is a quality that can elude us all!  It’s also about not giving up and overcoming obstacles.  My client and myself went through some incredibly HUGE obstacles, but we found a way to have the patience to keep moving forward.

#7 Consistency Rule:  Have a loving heart! People attract people who have love in their heart.  It’s so simple.  All it takes is to portray yourself as you really are all the time, online and offline.  Be genuine be real   When you love helping others your business prospers!  It shows up in your communication.  It shows up in your social media connections.  It’s what attracts others to want to do business with you.

These are the simple consistency rules that rewards you like no other.

It’s this type of consistency where you’ll not only see an impact on  your business, but of the lives you touch along the way.  

Take a deep look into your business today and look at which of these CONSISTENCY RULES should  be your focus.

  • Need a weekly planning ritual so things don’t fall through the cracks?
  • Need systems so you can work more efficiently and effectively?
  • Not enough focus on networking and building new relationships?
  • Your “why” needs to be clearer?
  • You need more patience?
  • I know you have a LOVING heart. How are you sharing your love?

If these CONSISTENCY RULES resonate with you, then join us in my free Facebook Community.  We are the Goalgetter Superstar group and we look at consistency as one of core values in running our business. 

Looking for more help on BECOMING MORE CONSISTENT?