Today is the Winter Solstice which is the shortest day of the year, and it’s a great day to set intentions!   I read this morning that this year (2018) will be extra special because it will be followed the next day by a full moon known as the Cold Moon, and you might be able to see a meteor shower as well.

There are 10 days left of this year, and many of my coaching clients are setting their intentions for 2019.  I send them a simple goal sheet with specific questions about what they want to learn and increase their skills to move their business forward in the next year.

These goals are so inspiring  because I know they have clarity in what they want to achieve next year and now I’ll create an exclusive success path for each one and that’s the path we’ll stay on through our coaching program to help them get the results they want using the Direct Sales Planner System.

One of my favorite all time books is “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Ecker.  Harv says –  there’s an old saying

“What you hear, you forget — What you see, you remember — What you DO.. you understand!!”

He calls it a declaration and all through the book after each chapter, he has you DECLARE your intention OUT LOUD… When you declare it OUT LOUD, he says it carries its own vibrational frequency.   The energy vibrates throughout the cells of your body, and by touching your body at the same time, you can feel its unique resonance.  And these declarations not only send a specific message to the universe, they also send a powerful message to your subconscious mind.

A declaration of your intentions makes your ACTION PLAN official.

He recommends that you state your declarations out loud each morning and each evening.  Even do them while looking into a mirror and it will accelerate the process even more.

So what are your intentions for 2019?

  • Is it adding ONE MORE party every month?
  • Is it generating new circles of business?
  • Is it better planning?
  • Is it getting to the next leadership level?
  • Is it promoting leaders?

Here’s a small excerpt of what client shared with me.

Setting intentions for your business in 2019 begins the process of getting clear with what you want to achieve in your business.

I have a few slots open before January 1 for a complimentary 2019 INTENTION session.  You’ll receive an information sheet with specific questions for me to help you create a success path to move into 2019 with a plan to take action.

Message me at and let’s TALK about your intentions if you’re serious about growing your Direct Sales Business in 2019.

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