Every year I set my goals to read at least two books every month! I usually read ONE Novel a month and ONE Non Fiction book every month. I set myself up a routine and read 10 pages of non-fiction every morning and at the end of the day I love falling asleep to some spy escaping from a hairy situation before I put my head on the pillow.

Both of these genres help set me up for success.  I think in 2019 I’ll add audio books as there are so many great books I want to read.  However, nothing is more delicious than holding a GOOD book in my hands and get swept off into another world and physically turn each page by page to get to the end.

I believe in LEARNING especially for leaders.  I know when leaders are reading, they are opening themselves up to new ideas and new ways to helping others be successful.  And because you’re a direct seller reading this blog post, I want to share 5 of my favorite Non-Fiction books this year.

#1   The One Thing, by Gary Keller, with Jay Papasan.   I actually bought and read this book in 2017, but I found myself recommending it so many times to clients and people that I decided to read it again.  The principles they share in narrowing down what you really need in your life and your business are priceless.   In the book they say,… “when ONE THING is set in motion, it can topple many things.” And  “No matter how many to-do’s you start with, you can narrow it down to one.  This becomes the ONE THING!”  I run my business with this in mind every day. I ask the focused question, “What is the ONE thing I can do today that by doing it everything else will fall into place?”  Pick this book as your first read in 2019.

#2  “She Means Business,” by Carrie Green.  This girl has done a remarkable job of creating the #1 membership program in the world!  I didn’t think I would like this book, but I LOVED it!.  Because I’m an action taker, I love her “She Takes Action” section at the end of every chapter. I also loved her quotes all through the book.  I recommend reading this book – it will resonate with all direct sellers who want to achieve success.



#3  “Mindset” The New Psychology ofsuccess by Carol S. Dweck, Phd.  Mindset is the number one reason why people don’t succeed in asking for bookings, having successful parties and team building.  This book teaches you about having a growth mindset – having the ability in believing that you can develop your mindset for success.  People with a growth mindset love a challenge, believe in effort, are resilient and strive for success.  If this sounds like you, read it!

#4   “Nothing to Wear?” By Jesse Garza and Joe Lupo.  In 2018 I went back into the field with Cabi Fashions because my love for fashion never dies.  It has not only enhanced my love of fashion, it has enhanced my coaching approach.  I love to serve my clients with three things .. I want them to look chic, feel confident and be comfortable and this book covers all three!  It’s a great read – because when you have those 3 elements in your world, you are unstoppable.

#5 The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins.  I held off buying this book for too long.  I kept thinking, “I already know that.”  And if you know me, that is a saying I tell my clients, “If you are actually taking action on what you already know then you do know it, but if you’re saying you already know that and you’re not taking action on it, then you don’t really know it!”   This is an exceptional book because it is about TAKING ACTION!   By using this 5-second rule concept, you will reprogram your mind, you will teach yourself new behavior patterns, you will find the confidence to achieve your goals.  Read this book as soon as you can to have  your best year yet in 2019!

I wanted to add so many more books to this list, but this blog would have been way too long.  All I know is reading is a GIFT!   A gift we can give ourselves every day of the year in 2019.

I have my reading routine set up – morning and evening!  What is yours? Comment below your reading routine.