I got off the phone today with the President of a business referral group, asking for a reference for one of my coaching clients.  It was such a pleasure to recommend my client who is a person of total integrity – who follows through and treats everyone with respect.  I had recommended that she join one of these groups as she has a big dream to grow her direct sales business across the country.  (That’s why she hired me, to coach her on staying accountable to her dream. )  However, the first group she joined seemed to be falling apart with no leadership and commitment from the members.  But this didn’t deter her, you see she has total commitment to achieving her dream.  Instead of giving up, she searched in her area and found another chapter that has 50 members in it and now she’s on her way to expanding her business meeting new customers and hostesses.

What is this organization?  It’s B.N.I. or Business Networking International.  It’s a weekly business networking group and there are chapters just about everywhere in the world.    I love that it’s world-wide because it reaches my clients all over the globe.  When a new client is feeling low about getting new bookings and new recruits, I always recommend she joins a BNI chapter and I know it’s available in over 50 countries.

Most of these chapters are breakfast groups, so if you’re not an early riser, think twice about how badly you want to grow your business and use the motto at mymentorbiz which is taking the W.I.T.A in your business.  It’s this “Whatever It Takes Approach” that will help you get new customers and hostesses faster than you’re doing now.  Joining a B.N.I. group helps you create a systematic way to meet with professionals who want to help you grow your business and create friendships and strategic alliances really quickly.

 Here are my 7 tips why I believe joining a B.N.I. chapter will change the course of your business.

 #1  The people in these organizations are committed to helping others!  The motto for B.N.I. “Giver’s Gain.”  The more leads you give the more you get.  Arrive at your meeting with at least two leads to “give” someone.

 #2   Show up and attend every meeting.  The purpose of the group is to build relationships with every member.  Each week, when you offer your one-minute  self-introduction, you’re honing your skill in sharing information about your product and your business.  Be interesting.  People will want to build a relationship when they hear how helpful and fascinating you are.  Build the “know, like trust factor” with each member.  When you miss meetings, it will show you’re not invested or committed to the group. In fact, I think you’re only allowed to miss two or you’re out.

#3  Get involved.  Become a committee member and be part of a team.  You’ll learn new strategies, discover new friends who refer tons and tons of friends to you because people know who you are.  This is called “exposure.”  You want people to know who you are and what you sell.

#4  Circulate, get to know each member well.  Invite them to meet you for coffee outside of the meeting and share ideas in helping each other get business.  In fact, they encourage you to meet one-on-one with each member.  I did this often and many of these people became my best referral customers.

#5  These chapters give you the opportunity to give a 20 minute talk and share in-depth information on your product and your business opportunity.   I watched and learned how others did this and it helped me become an expert at presenting my products at my parties.  It also helped me become a sought-after speaker at our national conventions.  Most of all it helped me create a fantastic referral presentation for groups that became a signature talk for me at many networking organizations.  This is the best way for everyone to get to know you.  (I recently taught one of my private clients this technique and she got three bookings and two new recruits!)

#6  Confidence!  Confidence!  Confidence!   Here’s how you build your confidence.    

  • Talking about your business every week.  You are practicing and refining your marketing.
  • Building relationships with other people who are committed to helping you.  You genuinely want to help each other.
  • Learning from others who are building their own businesses.
  • Feeling fabulous when you have good leads for others.
  • Every member feels confident their lead will be handled in a professional manner

#7  Offline & Online.  As you grow friendships and relationships, you enhance these friendship on social media. And  many chapters hold special extra events, like theater and pool parties, cocktail events that enhances your friendships and support one another in building their business.

Networking is about building and enjoying great relationships and is the key to marketing every business.  I could recommend many other networking organizations but I believe a “business referral” networking organization is the cornerstone to your success in consistently adding new customers and hostesses. The list above is the poof you need.  I strongly urge you to think about the investment in yourself.  Don’t buy into a belief that it won’t get you business.

The more you network and connect with other like minded people, the larger your client base will expand and being part of a “business referral” organization like B.N.I.   is your vehicle to do this.

Your assignment today:   Go to www.bni.com and click on your country, state, city and find a chapter in your area.  You’re allowed to visit as a guest before you decide to become a member.  Meet the members, check to see who could become a power referral partner for you – it only takes one.  You’re not only going to be networking with the group, but person in that group knows so hundreds of people they will want to refer to you.  That’s extremely powerful.

Want to create a social media and networking strategy for your business?  Email me at mymentorbiz@gmail.com and schedule a 30 minute complimentary coaching call, as soon as possible!

Are you a B.N.I. member?  Leave a testimonial below.