When I first became a leader in Direct Sales, I realized the way to having long term income was to find Biz Builders, people who wanted to grow a business.  I entered Direct Sales after owning my own brick & mortar business. I was not only designing the product, and manufacturing the product, I was the person who was the CEO all the way down to the person who stocked the shelves in my retail stores. So, I was very conscious of revenue and very conscious of expenses and making sure my business made a profit.

I studied my comp plan and found that the highest income stream was the commission I made when I personally recruited.   If you look at your COMPENSATION PLAN structure, you’ll see the highest commission  your receive are on those people you personally sponsor.  So, I said to myself if I want to truly make LONG TERM income in this business, I’d better get inspired to have a lot of PERSONAL recruits who also want long term income!

It was this LONG TERM thinking that let me to earning a 6-figure income!  It was simply focusing on having the highest PERSONAL team members in my company.  I made it My MISSION TO HAVE THE HIGHEST number in the company and I did that by focusing on three rituals.

I call them success rituals.  Success rituals are simply creating habits that you repeat over and over until they are ingrained into your activity.  You get into the habit of doing these actions over and over in a structured manner, and when you do, you see success, and as success grows, you have momentum.

Today I’m sharing three habits that I turned into success rituals that helped me have the highest number of team members who became biz builders on my personal team in my company.

Success Ritual #1 If you are holding consistent parties every week, and NOT recognizing prospects, you’re missing out on finding the BEST recruits for your business. That’s because The best recruits come from your parties.  WHY?  because you

  • Develop strong relationships at parties
  • You have an opportunity to have intimate conversations & learn about people’s needs
  • And, they see how successful you are and become interested when you drop a few recruiting seeds.

I studied and learned how to be a detective and ask questions from a book called “17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors.”   I practiced asking lots of questions and getting to know each guest at my parties.   That “learned” skill helped me to recognize the people who were looking my opportunity.   I got really good at becoming a detective and asking lots of questions.  I asked questions about people and their lives.  I called it collecting stories, because I was looking for that person who was looking for an opportunity to

  • Get out of debt.
  • Wanted to own her business.
  • Needed an extra $500 a month.
  • Loved all my products so much, she was buying them all.
  • Loved being recognized in a job where she had fun.
  • Wanted friendships and belong to a team of positive and inspiring people.
  • Needed to work but needed flex hours.

These are seven of the 12 reasons I discovered why people join direct sales.

Success Ritual #2.   The second thing I did was to make a habit of handing THREE Recruiting packets at every party to THREE people who I thought had one of those reasons.  It was THIS HABIT that moved my personal team to the top.  Once I taught my team how to do this it helped everyone recruit.  You want your recruiting packet to be remarkable – like it stands out on your check-out desk so people ask about it.  Inside the packet all you need is your recruiting brochure – your story  – and a catalog.. not tons of information, it’s something for them to take home so you can follow up and share more information.  If you’re doing online parties, make sure you have a SPECIAL post graphic or even do a live video about your RECRUITING PACKET!  Make it a focal point.

Success Ritual #3 –  Once I identified the person and handed a recruiting packet, I told her I would connect with her at a certain date and time so she knew to expect to hear from me.   That follow-up happened within 24 hours after the party because I didn’t want my prospect to go cold.  That follow up would be a text, an instant message on fb or a phone call..

These three SUCCESS RITUALS that are part of my DUPLICATION MODEL that is one of the systems in the Journey to Leadership Coaching Program.  There are actually 5 SUCCESS RITUALS and I teach you how to work on each one to become a MASTER PROSPECTOR and build a team of people who LOVE growing a business.


These are the tools I’m teaching YOU in the Journey to Leadership Coaching program. I’ll show you

  • A structure to communicate with your team daily.
  • A system that is simple to implement weekly.
  • A strategy with templates to have a successful monthly Team meeting.

Someone recently asked, “I’m thinking of joining, but I want to learn how to I help my team members be more consistent?  Will I learn that?”

In the journey to Leadership program, you’ll find many tips on

  • Helping your team be consistent
  • Supporting team members who want to move up.
  • Learning how to speak their language.
  • Understanding how to discern what training is necessary each month.
  • Creating team systems so you don’t go into overwhelm
  • … and more

Here’s a reminder of what you get in the JOURNEY TO LEADERSHIP program.

  1. A monthly Module training with worksheets to be viewed in your own time.
  2. Short, powerful, weekly video lessons around each month’s training.
  3. Many printables, guides, checklists to help you stay organized
  4. Access to a secret Facebook group with more live training.
  5. A LIVE Monthly Mastermind zoom session to accelerate your learning.

Plus – you will complete a timeline for your journey and we will have a private 30-minute coaching session to determine your steps to accomplish your goal.

Check it out the JOURNEY TO LEADERSHIP Coaching program


Don’t delay – the Journey to Leadership program will expire in 3 days.

Imagine, how exciting it will be when YOU learn how to grow Biz builders and help your team grow them too.