
Over the past week I have had some wonderful conversations with coaching clients on planning for 2017. The discussions were around creating NEW habits and routines to expand their business.

However, in each of the conversations, these concerns came up…

  • “I’m spending too much time on social media..”
  • “Social Media is such a distraction..”
  • “ I am going to do LESS on social media this year..”

Personally, I have a “love/hate” relationship with social media. I do see the great merits it can afford us, like using live video and building strong online relationships and we will discuss that in a later blog post.

But, what each client discovered was the amazing benefits of using ONE TOOL in their business that was getting them more results than spending many hours on social media scheduling posts and creating graphics and chasing bright shiny objects down rabbit holes.

That ONE TOOL that came up for them was none other than the good old-fashioned (tongue in cheek) TELEPHONE!  BOTTOM LINE, was everyone agreed,

phone-get-businessWhen you get on the PHONE and

actually talk to people you get BUSINESS!

What does that mean – “get business?”

Well, here’s an example…   One client said, she made a list of past hostesses and came up with 67 hostesses! She got organized with her “20 Calls Weekly Worksheet” system and began to connect on the PHONE! Her goal was to fill her January calendar with bookings. Within the span of five days she got the results she wanted AND MORE.

  • She booked FIVE PARTIES on her January Calendar.
  • She got a few sales, people needed product and were so glad she called.
  • One person is interested in more information about the business opportunity.
  • She left lots of messages to follow-up

Her biggest surprise was people she hadn’t talked to for a whole year were so happy to hear from her.

cg-monthly-team-booking-bltzIn our CALENDAR GIRLS Team Booking System, we work together to help ALL team members have consistent full calendars with a specific monthly TEAM BOOKING BLITZ.   The core of the booking blitz is to teach them how to get on the phone and build deeper relationships with their customers and hostesses.   Again, when you get on the phone you get the bookings.

I know everyone has good intentions and when you have a list of 20 calls to make sometimes it can be very daunting. Many people are “afraid” to call because they think they are bothering people, or they may sound pushy or salesy. However, if you’ve been taught the “right” way to connect with people which is simply being “you” and enjoy talking to people like a friend, you’ll find the benefits of creating a habit of using the phone to connect and get business.

Why is it we schedule time to hold parties, attend team meetings and meet with people about the business opportunity, but we scheduling time to make TELEPHONE CALLS never seems to get on the list.   My answer to that is to use what I call POCKETS OF TIME during your busy day. Many times we have 15 minutes here and there and if you’re organized with your calling list like the 20 calls Weekly Worksheet you’ll simply open your phone and make THREE CALLS in just 15 minutes. And if you do that during your day, you’ll begin to see some results in getting business.

Are you ready to get results in your business in 2017?   If you are then it’s time to get organized and get comfortable in making the phone your friend in 2017. It’s a simple formula




If you want to get results in growing your business in 2017  make a pact with yourself to connect with MORE PEOPLE in 2017.

  • Not texting
  • Not Instant Messaging on Facebook or Instagram
  • Not emailing
  • but the old-fashion way


Need help with YOUR PLANNING for 2017?   Email for a 30 minute complimentary planning session, as soon as possible.