BLOG make four lists

Increasing TEAM sales is a great way to begin the first month of the second quarter of 2016!  You’ve got the first quarter under your belt and should have a direction to plan out the next three months and have a big impact on the growth of your business..

That’s what we do in my Facebook 90-Day Challenge community.   Looking for support with your goals and action plans come over and ask to join here, it’s Free!


The key to increasing team sales is to insure your team are confident with product knowledge. Yes, I know they LOVE the product, but do they know how to SELL and PROMOTE the product?

Your product has great power. I call it the word-of-mouth power! What you “SAY” about your product and “HOW” you say it determines whether a customer will buy. What’s so great about our party business model is guests at parties get to SAMPLE the product before they buy.   That’s why insuring your team is confident and comfortable with product knowledge is so important.

I call it the WOW factor of your party! The WOW factor is presenting an wow party factoramazing and wonderful product demonstration that makes guests want to know more about your products!  Showing your enthusiasm and how much you LOVE your product is key, but what your product will do for your guests?

Many consultants get overwhelmed with product because they have to learn the ingredients of what is IN a product, or the materials that make up the product and get bogged down in these details. Now, don’t get me wrong these details are very important, but when you add enthusiasm and excitement about why you love your product and what it will do for them, you’ll find people will respond by wanting more!!   Wanting more product leads to higher party sales.

Today I want you to take out a pen and paper and create FOUR lists and answer these questions.

Question #1 What do your products do for your customers? Think about ALL the benefits your products offer.  Ask…

  • How does your product save them time and money?
  • How does your product help them look great?
  • How does your product help them be attractive to others?
  • How does your product help them relax and destress?
  • What does your product do – take some time and list ALL these benefits of all your products.

Question #2 How does your product make your customers FEEL?   I loved it when I did my fashion parties and a customer tried on an outfit – and she stood in front of the mirror and said, this outfit DOES look good on me! I could see her face light up and she felt really good, my jacket made her feel like a million bucks. Your second list for each product should be begin with

  • How will my customer feel when using this product?
  • How will my customer’s skin feel, or body feel or mind feel?
  • What will happen when she uses this product and shares it with others?

List all the benefits of how your product makes your customer FEEL when she uses it.

Question #3 How will your product improve your customer’s life or her lifestyle?    Start your list

  • what difference will it make to them ?
  • How will it change the way they do things?
  • Will it affect their confidence or self esteem? How?

I had an email from a leader sharing that her team is exploding because she’s using my CALENDAR GIRLS team booking system. This was so great to hear because I shared the benefits of this system and she is now working the system and it’s changing her business.

Question #4 What solutions do your products offer your customers? e.g. if you had really really dry skin and I had a luscious creamy skin lotion – I would help solve your dry skin problem. There are lots of helpful solutions your product does to help people, just make sure you’re not offering a cure-all claim. Begin your solution list

  • A solution might be how she organizes her day using your products
  • A solution might be how she enjoys saving time using your products
  • A solution might be how she enjoys having more time with her family using your products.

People usually buy emotionally because they love the way things feel. They love it when they know a product will work for them, or make a difference for them and many people absolutely love it when they get results from using a product.

Bottom line, when you have the answers to these questions, you KNOW your product. And that’s when you WOW them in the demonstration at your party!

Start your LISTS and share them with your team.

This would be a great TEAM MEETING topic to get everyone sharing tons of product benefits.Your team members will feel so much more confident and when they are confident it shows!  People will want to BUY, book with them, and maybe want to join your team.

More importantly, this confidence, this enthusiasm will shine through and that’s when your team will have higher sales and $1000 parties every time.  And, of course, you know when the team increases their sales, YOU, the leader, increases yours!

SPRING strategy session 1Are you ready for SECOND QUARTER planning? Are you ready for HIGHER team sales in April?  Book a strategy session today. Email me at