I woke up on Monday morning with a Facebook message from a coaching client who said,

“HAD to share! Last night, did my to-do list for Monday, first thing on the list: sign up one new consultant. 9:30 am on Monday, checked that off the list, got a new recruit ALREADY!!! Holy smokes!”

Sound like a quick conversion to you?  Well, maybe!   But really, this leader, is working a system I teach called the “rhythm of recruiting.”  In actual fact her new recruit was…

FIRST a customer in April

She was a referral from another customer, and when introduced to my client’s products, she fell in love with them and placed her first order.  For the next month, she enjoyed my client’s great customer service and placed a few more orders.  As she got to know my client they grew a stronger relationship and then she moved into the next step and became…

SECOND a hostess in June

My client did her job in hostess coaching.  They had wonderful conversations about who to invite and the free products she would earn, and the party in June was a great success.  Her new customer loved being a hostess.  My client kept growing the relationship and went on to the next step and met her new hostess for coffee.  In this relaxed, friendly meeting, she shared the benefits of becoming a business partner and the opportunities in owning a home based business.   Her hostess decided this was a great fit for her in her life right now, and  moved into the next step and became…

THIRD a New Team Member in September.

As a new recruit, she’s excited and eager to kick off her new home based business in direct sales.

This is how the rhythm works

  • First introduce your product
  • Second, build the new relationship and convert to a hostess, then
  • Third, grow trust and introduce the business opportunity.

Get into the rhythm!

Remember, not ALL will  join.  Keep moving along step by step by giving great customer service,  growing new hostesses, and offering your business opportunity and find the right fit for each person.

My client says, she’s building “Rockstars” on her team.  What kind of rhythm do you have in recruiting rockstars?