A summer action plan should include scheduling time for professional development

It’s Day 28!  Create your own professional development strategy in the space provided in your Summer Action Plan workbook!

Download your 30-day Summer Action Plan WORKBOOK here!

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How’s your June looking so far? Are you finding time for yourself? I know what it’s like to have three kids out of school for three months and keeping your business flowing. I believe it’s all in the planning and being organized.

One of the most important areas of your life is taking some time for you, even if it’s only 20 minutes, to increase your professional development or P.D.

Today, I want to share with you my top ten business books. These are books I refer to over and over again. They are books that helped me gain insight, have mind shifts and played a crucial role in building my million-dollar LEAP group coachingteam. I believe leaders are readers and information can change your life. The concepts from many of these books are what I teach in my L.E.A.P. Group Coaching program.

Here’s my recommendations for you to begin working on your own professional development.

1. Think & Grow Rich, By Napoleon Hill. NO MATTER where you are in your business, this little book will teach you the principles of success. I refer to his 13 principles of success almost every month.

2. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, by T. Harv Ecker. My team learned how to make money and save money, in a millionaire focus group using this book. Creating focus groups in your team helps build confidence and raises your team sales volume.

3. The No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs, by Dan Kennedy. Time management is a universal challenge. In this book you learn how to maximize your time and discipline yourself to be more productive. It fits in with the Time Management system I introduce to all my coaching clients.

4. PURPLE Cow, by Seth Godin. Seth says, Be Remarkable! In L.E.A.P. we focus on how to be remarkable with a first impression introduction.

book list5. Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod.  This book will change your life!  Learn how to start your day doing six miraculous steps that give you energy and unstoppable power to achieve your goals to growing a dynamic business.

6. Direct Selling Power, DSWA. Where else can you learn from 20 experts who have had huge success in this industry! Each Chapter is a proven concept!

7.The ONE THING, by Gary Keller with Jay Papasan. The biggest obstacle in an entrepreneur’s life is dealing with the distractions of today!  Yu want more productivity from your work, more income, better lifestyle and now you can have both learning from THE ONE THING!  It will help you cut through the clutter, achieve better results and dial down the stress.

8. Success Principles, by Jack Canfield. If you woke up every day and read one of Jack’s 65 principles, you would feel so much more confident and it will help you be a better leader and person.

9. Million Dollar Habits, by Brian Tracy. You can never stop learning from Brian Tracy. Creating habits will grow your business faster than any way I know. Million dollar habits are proven power practices that increase your income and grow your business.

10. 21 Laws of Team work, by John Maxwell. JM is a King of leadership. I created a HIGH action group on my team using this book.

you are the same today as you'll be in 5 yearsBooks give you information and information can change your life. In my coaching programs, one strategy I share is how to highlight, take notes and set up a ritual to reading books that help you grow a thriving team. Want more specifics? Email me at mymentorbiz@gmail.com

I want you to make some time this summer to increase your professional development or P.D. Encourage your team to spend 20 minutes a day reading something that enhances their business and their life.

Just 20 minutes a day. Can you do it?

What are you reading this summer?  Share your professional development book on my Facebook page or instagram

Don’t forget to comment below how these daily blogs are helping you stay focused with your business over the summer.

We are getting down to the last two days!  Tomorrow I’m sharing you with you another JUNE DISCOUNT to help you have a calendar full of bookings.