A summer action plan energizes you to take action in your Direct Sales Business.

It’s Day 23, and today we’re discussing rituals and habits to help you focus.

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day 23 a summer ritual

Last week I was working with a private coaching client who asked me, “How do I discipline myself to stay focused? ”

It was a great question, because I know its something we all have trouble with – staying focused and performing at our highest all the time.

To answer her question, I asked her about her morning ritual and she shared with me how she gets breakfast for the family, gets the kids off to school on the morning bus and then checks her email.   In our coaching session I shared with her a morning ritual that I’ve actually been doing for many years.

I credit my morning ritual as the secret sauce to my success in growing my million dollar team, as well as passing it on to other people through my coaching programs. And that ritual is a MORNING ROUTINE!

For some this is a simple routine, for others it means a whole change of thinking, but if you find a way to get up 15 minutes, 30 minutes or even ONE HOUR earlier every day with a short morning routine of five things, it will change your world and mostly change your attitude.

Think about, “How do you spend the first hour of your day?”

miracle morning quoteHal Elrod has made this a mega success with a book he wrote called, “Miracle Morning.” He said when he continued to wake up one hour earlier and follow his routine he says, “I felt so incredibly happy with the way I was feeling and the progress I was making as a result of my morning routine. I wanted MORE OF IT!”

Hal recommends you do six steps when you first get up. They are similar to my important FIVE that give me the energy I need every day to be productive in my life and my business.

My FIVE important steps are very simple and I set aside one hour of my time.   What I loved about Hal Elrod’s book (Miracle Morning) is he says you can do each one of these steps in ONE MINUTE. So, if you’re saying I don’t have one hour in the morning, ask yourself if you have 5 minutes?

#1 BREATHE. When you take 3 or 4 deep breaths it helps you stand tall, or sit up straight and your body is ready for exercise. (You can easily take 3 deep breaths in 1 minute)

#2 MEDITATE (Or Pray) Find the time to be quiet with your thoughts, be at peace with your thoughts and quiet your mind. (Put on the timer to meditate or say an affirmation to yourself for 1 minute)

#3 GRATITUDE. I believe writing in a gratitude journal every day emphasizes the blessings you have in your life. (Write one word in your gratitude journal, it will only take ONE minute.)

#4 READ. I read for 20 minutes every day and it’s usually a professional development book. (Again, you can pace yourself to do this in ONE minute.)

#5 EXERCISE.   I am a walker and actually walk at least 45 minutes or one hour early in the morning. If it’s raining, I exercise on my indoor bike. (Hal Elrod says you can exercise in ONE minute by running in place for one minute.)

So, are you wanting to find ways to stay focused or be more disciplined disciplinein your business? Try the Morning Ritual and get up ONE hour earlier. Itwill give you the energy you need to focus and also help you become more productive in running your business and achieving your goals.

Are you reading this and saying, “But I’m not a morning person!” Hal Elrod calls this a limiting belief and I agree with him wholeheartedly. He says, “nobody actually likes waking up early, but everyone loves the feeling of having woken up early.”

It’s all about asking those questions like my client who said, “How do I discipline myself to stay focused?”   If you are not a morning person, and you can discipline yourself to get up one hour earlier and you begin your day with positive intentions and energy, you are focusing on what needs to get done and getting results from it, then change your thinking to “I want to become a morning person.”

It’s a matter of how much you want that success or how much you want to have a feeling of being energized to focus on what you want. Rituals are part of habits that we form, and they really help you stay focused especially in your business.

On a scale of 1-10 how much do you want to find the focus to achieve the goals you want?   If you’re a 7 or above then email to me at mymentorbiz@gmail.com and schedule a 30 minute complimentary strategy session and let’s get clear about your focus.

miracle morningHow many of you have read the book, Miracle Morning? Share what you loved about this book on my Facebook page or instagram.

Don’t forget to comment below how these daily blogs are helping you stay focused with your business over the summer.

Tomorrow I’ll share with you a planning ritual that will change your business.