What are you doing to delight your customer?  Your customers are the most important people in your business.  

You are paid BIG TIME when you take care and delight your customers.   Customers drop out when they don’t hear from you. When you create an organized and repeatable pattern to giving first-class service to your customers, you increase the chance to convert them into hostesses, and possible recruits. You will also increase the opportunity for referrals in your business.

I created a video for you today to teach your team a simple and easy method of following up with a Customer service SYSTEM that will help them feel more confident in keeping in touch.

The follow-up 2-2-2 SYSTEM is so simple. It does two things!

#1 It builds customer loyalty and fantastic relationships with customers.

#2 It builds confidence in your team members following simple steps.

Watch the video on how the 2-2-2 system works..

  • Follow-up within 2 days and THANK the customer for her order (no sales pitch.)
  • Follow-up within 2 weeks and ASK how are they enjoying the products (no sales pitch.) However, if THEY bring it up and want more products, then take orders, or book a show.
  • Follow-up within 2 months. NOW is the time to pitch a sale, or ask for a booking. By now, your customer is delighted to hear from you because you have been taking care of her.

It’s simple, it’s a great guide for NEW consultants on your team who are overwhelmed with so much to do.

Subscribe to my you tube channel and download the FREE printable handout, and get your team working so they are confident in delighting their customers.