mauna kea beachIt’s that time! It’s the busy season! The busy season is when retailers extend their store hours because they sell more during this time than any other time of the year. Are you ready? Is your store open? We are in the highest selling and recruiting months of the year! All the action you take right now in your business is making money and building growth.

Today, I had a session with one of my fast action coaching clients! She is a leader who has grown her team from 35 to 300 (plus) people since the beginning of this year. What makes her successful is she continually believes in “working” her business and she is a company trip earner every year. On our coaching call today we discussed ways to bring team members with her on her next company trip! This is a key strategy to growing a strong selling and recruiting team.

As a leader, you know the benefits of earning a company trip! But how many of you earn that company trip “with” team members? That’s why “now” in the busy season is the time for you to reach out to team members who want to go with you on a paid trip for two to a tropical resort

Write this down, “the more team members you help earn the company trip incentive, the faster your team will grow and the more income you’ll make!” 

So, get started now…

• Determine which team members are consistently holding parties and recruiting every month, and have a conversation to see if they have a desire to earn the company trip incentive with you.

• Paint the picture of the fun of earning the trip. What it will be like being together sitting on a beach drinking mint juleps watching the sun go down.

• Create a focus group to meet once a week on a 30 minute telephone call to support them in meeting their monthly sales and recruiting goal to achieve the trip incentive. Add a special Facebook group page for them to cheer each other on.

• Create a trip tracker sheet to help them break down the sales and recruiting goal into bite-size pieces, so you can help them stay focused on their goal every week.

• Share innovative ways to work their business over this most productive time of year. Show them the value of serving customer’s shopping needs with the holiday products in maximizing the sales at every party and event to meet their monthly bite-size goal to earn the trip incentive.

• On every call encourage team to share ideas and ways for everyone to hit the required sales and recruiting goals to stay on track.

• Reward team members when they hit they hit their “on-track” goals to keep them focused on earning the trip.

Leaders, be INTENTIONAL right now and help team members earn this GREAT reward! Trip Incentives are designed by companies to help you grow your business.

This incentive has huge consequences for you as a leader if you bring team members with you on your company incentive trip. You’ll have

• consistent team salestrip winners

• consistent team recruiting

• consistent team bookings, AND

• develop new leaders along the way.

This is a strategy to grow your team fast at this time of the year! This is a strategy we’re working in the LEAP Group Coaching program, RIGHT NOW!!

Want help in taking action in the busy season? Schedule a 30 minute complimentary “get acquainted” session with me at as soon as possible.

How many people have a boss who says,If you do your job and sell and recruit over the next few months, I’ll give you and your partner a trip to a beautiful tropical setting. All you have to do is sell an amazing product line and I will support and encourage you all the way. Also, when you earn this reward, you’ll not only win this fantastic trip, we’ll elevate you to a leader position where you can earn more rewards to increase your income.”

The time is now! Are you on track to earn YOUR COMPANY trip incentive for 2015? Leave a comment how you’re keeping yourself motivated to stay on track?