Consistency is our mantra in direct Sales.   We know about consistency, we hear about consistency, yet we tend to forget about consistency and the long term benefits it offers.

For some reason we are always looking for a quick return.  We want it faster.  We want it now!   We want to have

  • A Consistent Calendar full of bookings.
  • Consistent High sales every month.
  • Consistent Hostesses on a wait list.
  • Consistent Prospects waiting to join our team.

Even though we know it takes time to grow a business, we always seem to want it to go faster, wouldn’t you agree?

That’s why I am so proud of my clients who “get it!”   They know that being consistent in holding parties every week will pay off.  They understand that it takes focus.   This focus is simply paying attention to their calendar every week, and taking action every day!

I work with my clients with three simple systems that helps them be consistent and win every time.

First:  My Sunday Night Planning Weekly ritual. 

When you sit down every Sunday and plan out your week it helps you stay on track and accomplish more each week.  I recommend choosing one hour on a Sunday each week, find a quiet spot, put on your favorite music, brew a spot of your best tea and make it a ritual.

I suggest to my clients to choose three goals they want to accomplish for the week.  Then, they have a time blocking exercise that helps them establish the blocks of time available to work their business.  Next is syncing all appointments like parties, prospecting coffee chats, coaching sessions, team events on their calendar.  Then create an activity list.  These are tasks they want to complete for the week, and schedule them on their calendar.

Consistent weekly planning wins out every time.

Second:  My Daily activity success actions.

The secret to consistency is taking action every day!  When you have your week planned out, your daily actions flow into the blocks of time you’re working your business.  I have 30 Daily success activities to choose for my clients every month and we rotate them around selling, booking and recruiting, so they have a well-rounded business.

Taking consistent action every day wins out every time.

Third:  Checking in weekly

When you commit to coaching, you want to see results.  And again, it’s not a quick fix.  My clients learn the cycle of lead generation.  They understand it takes time to build relationships with customers and convert them to hostesses.  Then working with hostesses takes consistent communication in growing a friendship that many times convert to a team member.


So my Coaching clients are consistent in checking in with me (their coach) every week.  They share their

  • Accomplishments so they feel like their consistency is paying off.
  • Any obstacles that I can help them with in staying consistent, and
  • Their Intentions in the next week that keeps them on course to being consistent.

These THREE simple success rituals are the foundation of being consistent and win out every time.

Case Study:   One of my clients who quit her full time job to devote to her Direct Sales Business full time decided she needed a coach to help her grow her business.  She is following these rituals and practicing consistency and this week she shared with me her results.

  • First she wanted to replace her take-home pay from her full-time job. She’s achieved that in her first month of coaching being consistent in booking her calendar full of parties.
  • Second, she wants to pay for her health insurance and has figured out how to do that holding an extra party every month.
  • Her third goal is to pay into her retirement account and that’s scheduled on her calendar to hit that goal in a month.

All because she’s being consistent. 

  • She has built a solid booking program holding over 6 parties a month.
  • She’s consistently reaching out to prospects and sharing her opportunity and her team is growing steadily.
  • Most important she SEES the growth because of her consistency.

Are you ready to be consistent?

Have you been telling yourself (for weeks) if only I could be more consistent?

If being consistent the ONE THING that will be a game changer for you?

Then, it’s TIME!   It’s TIME to do one of two things

#1   Get on the WAITLIST for the Journey to Leadership Group Coaching program opening up and be notified when it’s open. Then click here.


#2  Think about hiring a coach to help you be consistent.   That’s truly what a coach does!  I know because it was MY coach who helped me be consistent in growing a million-dollar team and becoming the #1 Leader in my company in the country!

If you’re ready to be consistent and have the change you’re looking for in your business,  then book a 30 minute complimentary session here.