I had a marvellous conversation with a leader today who is following these questions from Day ONE.  She is answering the questions herself and compiling the list to help each of her team members do their own plan in a special planning day for her team. 

The question she liked best so far has been the one where I asked you to establish your BIG, HAIRY, AUDACIOUS Goal.  She said that is so important.  Most people set small goals and don’t dare to dream bigger.

Today’s question is about being bold and audacious (maybe even a little hairy 🙂

2012 Success Plan Question #14

What are you most committed to in your business in 2012?

When you are committed, you stand out from the crowd.  As a leader, when you’re totally committed to your team, your people will know!  Nothing excites a team more than being around someone who has a purpose, a mission and a big, hairy audacious goal. 

Leaders who do this, lead by example.  They set an example of total committment to their business and when they do this they are demonstrating and role modeling the tools of success.

Take the time to answer this question and find THREE important areas you are committed to in your business in 2012.  Everybody wants to follow someone who is committed to what they do.

I remember a post on facebook when I asked about commitment last December.  A courageous leader posted her own reflection on her past year.  Here’s what she said,

This was one of the biggest years of my life and the end of a five year single cycle.  I restructured the family and moved to the homestead, quit smoking, totally changed my diet, joined the gym and only associated with positive people,  I maded a conscious decision to be all round wealthy and full of positive energy and happiness.  Although at times it was extremely challenging, the year developed into a true "ground work" year!

Her commmitment to herself and her business that previous year, led her to have a bonanza business this year. 

Be courageous like my friend, and post your reflection of 2011 in the comment section below.