I grew up in a racehorse family.  My father owned race horses and my mother used to say,  “you always know how much they win, but you never hear about the losses. “   Like this photo, the focus of the horse and rider crossing that finish line is extremely INTENSE!

Do you know why a thoroughbred race-horse wears blinders during a race?  The answer is pretty obvious.  It doesn’t get distracted.  The jockey needs to know the horse is looking straight ahead at all times because if it doesn’t, it would go off course and lose the race.

For those few minutes of the race, the jockey and the horse have  100% concentrated focus and intensity on crossing the finish line.  The blinders are an integral part of keeping the horse focused on not only winning, but finishing the race.  And even though, there is only one winner, every single horse in the race does cross that finish line.

Would you like that kind of  intense focus in your direct sales business? 

There are many things  that distract us from reaching our goals.  I talk with many consultants and leaders who struggle with focus.  They are distracted because they don’t have a strategic plan or have problems concentrating in their day-to-day activities.  These distractions slow you down.

It’s not easy, but you have to find a way to put your blinders on if you want to cross the finish line and achieve your goals, otherwise you’ll continue to wonder why your business isn’t growing.

 Here are some quick tips to help you keep that focused intensity in your business.Calendar 

  • Get vigilant with your calendar!  I call it “calendar confidence.”  Know exactly when your next party dates are available.  Look at your calendar every week and if you need to get on the phone to fill open dates, make it happen.
  • Get yourself an egg timer and set it for 15 minutes and when the alarm rings, get off social media and work on an activity that brings you high revenue income, like booking a party, or holding a recruiting appointment.
  • Create a CALENDAR GIRLS Team Booking system and track your team sales, bookings and recruiting.  Know exactly how many new recruits and leaders you need to hit your next level goal with intensity, so you focus on the action steps that will take you towards your goal.
  • Create a Vision board strategy for your business.  Put it in a prominent position in your office so you can view it every day.
  • Focus on a Customer care follow-up system.  Keep your customers coming back to buy more, book more and refer others to you.

I see many people who struggle with focus.  It’s not easy, especially in today’s digital world, but if you really want to cross that finish line and grow a six figure income business, you have GOT to put on your blinders, otherwise you’ll continue to wonder why you’re business isn’t moving forward.

Leaders, June, July and August are important months to put intense focus on winning your company trip, or hitting your highest sales, or promoting your next leader to move to the next level in your compensation plan.

Set goals for yourself and work hard to reach those goals.  Focus on running your own race.  Don’t be concerned with what others are doing.  Don’t let those distractions slow you down, put blinders on and finish the race with a stronger team and a profitable direct sales business.

Join the CG Academy Membership program that keeps you focused on growing your team and hitting your goals every month.

I look forward to seeing you include intense focus in your business and winning your race!