What does it take to build a winning team? When I work with my clients – we work on two SPECIFIC strategies

#1  Growing a strong Personal Team.

#2  Growing a strong group of leaders.

In the book, “17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork” by John C. Maxwell, he says for teams to hit their potential you need a catalyst!   He calls catalysts, “get-it-done-then-some-people.”  He refers to the greatest catalyst example as Michael Jordan!  Michael Jordan’s ability to perform as a catalyst for his team led them to the top!  A catalyst is someone who leads the way by taking positive action.  Someone who is very energetic and fun, that other team members look up to.  In other words, a catalyst is someone who

  • Takes action
  • Inspires and lifts up other team members
  • Adds fun to the team.

A catalyst bonds the team together to rise to the top. It’s about being better team building together.

When a catalyst does this consistently, the team becomes confident, elevated and helps the team hit big goals because everyone around her is inspired!

Who on your team is an upcoming catalyst?  Or

Perhaps YOU, yourself, are ready to step up and be a catalyst!

Are you asking these questions?

These are questions that will be answered in my upcoming


This is a self-paced and very supportive training

  • Each week for 4 weeks (starting on Friday, October 12, 2018) you receive a training module with a complete study guide handout delivered to your email inbox.
  • You watch it on your own over the weekend. You are given specific exercises.
  • On Monday you take action on those exercises.
  • On Wednesday, we meet in a zoom conference session and we discuss the week’s training and exercises with the rest of Team Building Boot campers.
  • We meet in a secret Team Building Boot Camp Secret Facebook Group where you get extra support and training.

The TRAINING in my boot camp aligns completely with

  • Growing a strong personal team, and
  • Growing a strong group of leaders!

Will you be your team’s catalyst?


Will you be the CATALYST who forges ahead

and recruits three 3 strong biz builders?

So others will follow you and BUILD a WINNING TEAM!

Be a CATALYST  and

Join our TEAM BUILDING BOOT CAMP Click here!

Don’t delay it starts FRIDAY!