What kind of ritual do you have for planning your business? 

I love to ask my coaching clients this question, “Are you a planner or a pantser?”  The difference is a PANTSER (like it says,) runs her business by the seat of her pants, and that’s when I find my client really needs help because she’s running her business without any systems or processes in place.

If you are a PLANNER, however, you’ll find with careful focus, you will feel confident, you will feel in control and you will leave overwhelm behind. Planners get things done and they achieve BIG GOALS!

It’s not difficult to to be a planner!  It just a couple of steps or hacks as we say today, that can help you find your focus. I want you to know it’s not your fault. Business owners today face information overload. Before we used to go the library to do research, now because of the internet there is an infinite amount of information available to us that is so easy to grab our attention for hours on end. Yes, it’s super easy to become overwhelmed, because we have too many choices and it’s getting harder to focus and multi-tasking seems to have taken over our lives.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and frustrated because you know what you want but you just can’t make it happen, then watch my video this week and learn about my three top PLANNING HACKS that will help you go from a “Pantser” to a “Planner.”

I recommend you use a physical planner like the DIRECT SALES PLANNER which is specifically designed for Direct Sellers.   A physical planner provides a powerful visual space for all of your notes, priorities and focus in getting things done.

Get these THREE IMPORTANT planning sessions scheduled on your calendar every month, every week and every day and get into the swing of feeling in control of your business because you have a PLAN that enables you to stay focused on what you truly want in your business. Your important goals!

Leave me a message below if you’re ready to become a PLANNER and leave the “Pantser” persona behind!