The end of the month is drawing near and I love to share my story about the ONE MORE strategy to help you stay on track to hit your goal or better yet have your best month.

Here’s my story…

It was Friday night at 10:00 pm and I was feeling a little weary from a busy week.  I’d just finished up my second party of the week.  All the guests had left and I was packing up my clothes.

I was thrilled with the orders from the party.  $1800 in sales and two good future bookings that insured next month’s income to stay at the level I needed. I felt good about the great relationship I had with my hostess.  She wasn’t a qualified recruit lead, because she had her own very large business.  However, she was a very influential business woman who had become my referral partner, and the two of us were working together to help each other grow our businesses.

The hostess and myself were sipping on a cup of tea when a woman burst through the door saying, “I’m so sorry I’m late!  I’m so glad you are still here! I want to order 3 Classic jackets,  3 gored skirts, 4 short sleeve classic tops and 6 pairs of those amazing jodpur pants.”

I sat there in awe as she sprouted out all the things she wanted and started calculating that order in my head very quickly!   I could see another $800- $900 being added to the sales of that party!  Wow, my instant income from the sale of this party was going up rapidly.

But wait!   This woman obviously new my fashion line very well.  The fashions she wanted were our top sellers, and the size of her order was more than the cost of our start up kit!

I wrote up her order and of course, wanted to know more about her and how she knew about these fashions.  She told me her story how she found them in Florida, and love them so much.  She’d been waiting to meet someone in Colorado who sold them so she could add to her collection.

I wrote up her order, but then decided to add one more thing.  I asked her to meet me for coffee the next morning at 10:00 am.   At that meeting I learned that she had a corporate job and wasn’t very happy in it.  We talked and I showed her how she could share her love and enthusiasm of the clothes with others and grow a profitable business.

She signed up and became a top seller on my team. Then she developed her own team and became a top level leader. She was a very influential leader who was loved by everyone on our team and was very instrumental in helping our team make it to the million-dollar circle.

I love telling this story, not only because of the effect it had on my business, but because this person became a wonderful friend who I admire and respect.

This is the ripple effect of adding ONE MORE strategy to your business.  If I had just taken the order and not added that ONE MORE action to ask her to meet for coffee the next day, I wouldn’t have had such an influential leader on my team.

We are getting closer towards the end of the month.  Look at your direct sales business today, what ONE MORE strategy can you implement to increase your sales, your bookings and your recruiting.  Could you

  • –  Call one more customer to get another order?
  • –  Hold one more party to add another $500 to your sales?
  • –  Close a Facebook party at the end of the month instead of continuing into April?
  • –  Contact one more prospect to see if NOW is the time for them to join?
  • –  Encourage team members to make follow-up connections to increase team volume?
  • –  Incentivize team members to hold one more party to increase team volume?
  • –  Check in on team members to hit the $500 or $1000 Club incentives?
  • –  Do a quick video for team on how to follow-up to increase their sales?
  • –   Offer a quick gift with purchase in your customer VIP group to add to sales & then pass this on to team members.

The moral of the story is to never underestimate the value of implementing ONE MORE thing in your business. One more order, one more customer, one more party, one more recruiting appointment, one more hostess, one more team member.

You never know the ripple effect in your business when you take that extra step especially at the end of the month!  You may end up having your BEST MONTH ever that will take you to the next level and beyond in your comp. plan.

If you’re looking for support in your business, join our free 90-day Challenge Facebook group,

Or message me at and schedule a 30 minute complimentary “Success Plan” strategy session to help you figure your ONE MORE strategy.