Why are some people successful at building relationships in their business and others struggle?   I believe it’s because most successful people are willing to look at the long game. 

They understand the importance of making meaningful connections, collaborating with others and the offering value in the way of supporting people.

This is a SPECIFIC STRATEGY in getting new leads  I share with my coaching clients.  I recommend they schedule  consistent coffee chats every week. 



Holding consistent virtual coffee chats is a strategy for growing new leads, new clients and new referrals.   If you spend time networking and meeting people the VIRTUAL coffee chat is the next step to furthering the relationship.

And that’s the purpose!  When you meet virtually or face to face over coffee there is no underlying agenda, there is simply wanting to get to know someone better.

What’s the best approach to building the relationship when you sit down and your virtual coffee chat?

I like to share with my clients a 5-step approach.

Two female friends discussing.

#1  CARE –  This is a friendly get together.  You greet your new friend and  show you care!   Sometimes you compliment them.  Other times you notice you have something in common.  The whole point is to set the tone that this is the start of a beautiful friendship. 

Women today are looking for authenticity!   Show you care and that this is truly the place to build a FRIENDSHIP!  FRIENDSHIPS!


#2  DISCOVER – This is when you become the listener.  You might ask some specific questions using the F.O.O.D. acronym.

  • FAMILY!  Ask questions about her family  It’s a great place to start.
  • OCCUPATION! Maybe you already know this, but ask more detailed questions about what she does!  Or more information about her business if she’s an entrepreneur
  • OUTSIDE INTEREST! When you ask questions about outside interests it leads to new understandings about her.
  • DREAMS! This is a great way to ask what she wants out of life, again, you’ll find many commonalities to talk about


#3   SHARE – At this point during the conversation she may ask about you and what you do.  Be brief with your story, be more inclined to find out how you can be of service.

#4  CLOSE – As you wind up the COFFEE CHAT, always think of the next step.   Where does this relationship grow!  Maybe another coffee chat?  Perhaps you have the opportunity to invite her to join you.  Maybe it will lead to a referral.   

Always have a NEXT STEP action to continue furthering the relationship.

#5  FOLLOW UP-  Always, always, follow up with a handwritten note.  This goes a long way in today’s world.   A text or email is great, but a handwritten note shows you truly value relationships.



Review these 5 steps before you have your next VIRTUAL COFFEE CHAT!

Take notes and realize the value in building the relationship with this person!   It will lead to future business either soon, or down the road.  Remember, I said, you have to believe this is a worthwhile action that leads to the long game in growing your business.

I challenge you to set up 5 VIRTUAL COFFEE CHATS over the next 5 weeks.  If you do, you’ll find the relationships you build will not only enhance new friendships, it will without a doubt add value to growing your business