I was so pumped this week to read a Monday Update Newsletter from one of my private coaching clients that began with


The Monday Update newsletter is part of the CALENDAR GIRLS team booking system that I created to help leaders build strong teams. When you work this system you’ll see a team who is earning consistent cash flow in their direct sales business every week!

The Monday Update newsletter highlights each team member’s success in being on the team calendar. The leader lists each team member who is holding a party. The calendar is their accountability partner. It holds her accountable to increasing her income and builds confidence in building consistent bookings. This confidence spills over when team members are working with hostesses who are excited to work with an experienced direct seller.

The Monday Update newsletter highlights team members who are role models for others. For example when a mom of two who also holds a fulltime job is always on the CALENDAR GIRLS calendar with one booking a week, it shows others on the team that if this busy mom can do one party a week, so can they.

The CALENDAR GIRLS workbook, which is a crucial part of this system, helps the leader focus on her goals in coaching and training her team. Specifically, a team booking goal, team sales volume goal and team recruiting goal. These are the THREE major components in building a profitable and successful team. They are all tied in with a positive communication system that helps the leader recognize top performers and upcoming leaders.

My client, who had her best month ever in her business this month, diligently writes her Monday Update Newsletter every week and the proof is in the OUTSTANDING RESULTS she and her team celebrate this week.

What about you? Are you a leader who is having OUTSTANDING results in your business? You might want to check out the CALENDAR GIRLS team booking system here.