SPRING is in the air!   Old man winter is moving out of the northern hemisphere and people are getting ready to emerge to a new world!   This year especially, Covid cases seem to be decreasing and people are open to opportunities to get together.

What would happen to your business if you have 10 HOSTESSES invite 10 friends to get together and enjoy a special experience with you and your products.

This is the time of year to get your calendar full of 10 bookings.   Why?  Holding 10 parties in the next 8 weeks will not only increase your business with sales and recruiting, it will lead into a very profitable summer 

Let me show you what happens when you have 10 Hostesses in the beginning of spring.

R E S U L T S   O F  H O L D I N G  1 0  P A R T I E S

  • Hostess #1 Got Sales and 2 future bookings
  • Hostess #2 Got Sales plus 1 future booking – that hostess signed up as New Recruit
  • Hostess #3 Cancelled (life happens.)
  • Hostess #4 Got Sales plus one future booking – that hostess got sales and two bookings – one of those bookings was a fundraiser – at that fundraiser got two more bookings and lots of sales.
  • Hostess #5 Got sales plus one future booking – that booking also signed up as New Recruit.
  • Hostess #6 Postponed, but she  booked next month.
  • Hostess #7 Got sales plus one future booking, that hostess got sales plus one future booking, then “that”  hostess got sales plus one booking (3 Bookings with 30 new people)
  • Hostess #8 Got sales but NO bookings (it happens once in a while.)
  • Hostess #9 Cancelled – again life happens.
  • Hostess #10 Got sales plus two future bookings. One of those bookings led to another fundraiser. At that fundraiser got two more bookings and another new recruit.

The average party sales were $850.00 and the future bookings kept my booking calendar full and moving forward.  The three new team members got started and two of them went on to become leaders.

These are THE RESULTS you could also have when you hold 10 parties in SPRING, but FIRST you have to know how to make booking offers to get your calendar booked.

H O W  D O  I  M A K E  B O O K I N G  O F F E R S 

You have to have a booking mindset!  

Think about why would a hostess want to book with you?   I would let my hostess know up front what kind of experience she would have with her friends.  I called it a WOW party experience.   To offer a WOW party experience, you must build your confidence in sharing that experience at your parties. 

There are three elements to the experience in having a successful WOW party.

  • People love to gather together, relax, laugh, chatter and have fun with their friends.
  • They are interested in learning something new. When you offer specific ways to use your products and how your products will make a difference in their lives, it peaks their interest!
  • They are ready to have a memorable experience. This comes from story telling.  Stories about your company, your product, your team members, your friends who use your products.  Stories make your party memorable.

When you know in your MIND you are offering this WOW experience for people to enjoy,  then hostesses will love to share this experience with their friends. Your calendar will begin to fill with bookings.  You won’t let those voices in your head stop you.  You will be confident in offering this wow experience, and people will think,

“That sounds like so much fun! Let’s get together with friends, learn about your products and enjoy an experience.”

Switch your MIND to offering your hostess an experience she and her friends will have at your party. This will help you feel confident offering an opportunity for people to book on your calendar  Instead of thinking, “She won’t want to book with me!” or  “Nobody will book with me!” 

Think about the reason WHY they would WANT to book with YOU!


You have to be committed to make “many” booking offers until you fill all the 10 slots you’ve assigned for your spring bookings.  

How is your confidence level in asking for bookings?   Is it a 1 or is it a 10?   Once you make a commitment and keep making offers until you hit your target, you’ll find your confidence level will rise and you’ll be ready for the growth that spring bookings bring to your business.

How many booking offers will it take to fill your calendar with 10 bookings? 

Y O U R  C A L L  T O  A C T I O N   T O D A Y

  • Make a list of potential Hostesses
  • Get comfortable with making a booking offer.
  • Start connecting
  • Commit to not give up until you have 10 bookings!

To help you along the way  enjoy my BOOKING SUCCESS SCRIPTS that are  FREE for you today!


With a POSITIVE EXPECTANCY attitude AND MINDSET,  you are confident, you know that at your parties, your hostess is going have fun, get some fantastic free products and everyone is going to learn how to use your products and have a memorable experience.

If you want to learn how to have a calendar full of bookings, then check out my  ONLINE COURSE,

“How to have Consistent Bookings,”  


MESSAGE me @galebates on Instagram when you get your 10 BOOKINGS FOR SPRING!