When you’re working on filling your calendar with parties in your Direct Sales Business, what’s going on with your mindset?

Here’s a story.  A coaching client has a team member who is STUCK in her business.  This team member thinks NOBODY wants to book a party with her.

  • She believes no-one has the money to buy her products.
  • She believes people where she lives don’t buy these products.
  • She feels inexperienced because she doesn’t know how to bring up her business in a conversation.
  • She says that people don’t want to do parties in her area.

My client, her leader, has given her all kinds of great tips on what to say in a conversation.  She has helped her prepare a list of people to ask and even shown how to work with a script to conquer her fears of asking.   The team member listened to all the suggestions and said, NONE of those worked for her.  She was virtually saying she wanted to quit!

How do we help this team member?  The answer is her MINDSET.  This team member has talked herself out of getting bookings IN HER MIND! She is listening to those little voices IN HER MIND that say…

  • She won’t want to book with me.
  • I can’t call her, because I’ll be bothering her.
  • If I ask her for a booking, I know she she’s going to say no!

These are thoughts that go through our mind that STOP us from ASKING for the booking!

We decide IN OUR HEAD – that nobody will want to book with us.  It happens to consultants who are new and learning to ask.  It happens to seasoned consultants who push through the noise and do it anyway.  It happens to the best of us!  It’s a symptom of our abilities to asking for something we want without feeling like we’re being pushy or salesy.

How do we overcome these thoughts?

First, we have to INVEST in ourselves!  Invest in building our confidence.  We have to BELIEVE that we have the BEST products and the BEST opportunity to offer.   When we believe we feel confident in offering a way for people to enjoy a fun time together learning how our products can make a difference in their lives.

Let me ask you a question?  What is the number one reason why people want to book with you?  Do you know?  Some people think it’s  the free product, but the number one reason people book with you is TO HAVE FUN!!

Above everything, most people book with you because they LOVE HAVING friends over to their home for a few hours of FUN and friendship.    This is a social business, so you have to radiate that FUN when you offer people an opportunity to book with  you.

And did you notice what I just wrote – you’re making an OFFER!  You are offering people an “outstanding” shopping experience to get together where they have lots of fun , they learn something, they love what you share with them and more than anything, they will remember the experience as “outstanding”  and FUN!

I call it A WOW party experience…   To offer a WOW party experience, you must build your confidence in sharing what happens at your parties.  In my ON YOUR MARK – GET SET BOOK – online workshop I share the three elements to having a successful party.

  • #1   Fun with friends.  People love to gather together, relax, laugh, chatter and have fun with their friends.
  • #2   Learn something new.  When you offer your specific tips on how to use your products, how your products will make a difference in their lives, it peaks their interest!
  • #3   Have a memorable experience.  This comes from your story telling.  Stories about your company, your product, your team members, your friends who use your products.  Stories make your party memorable.

When you know in your MIND you are offering this WOW experience for people,  then   you will  get the results you want in getting bookings on your calendar.  You won’t let those voices in your head stop you.  You will be confident in offering this wow experience, and people will think,

“That sounds like so much fun. I want to learn about how to declutter my closet.  I can’t wait to be with my friends.”

You have just switched your MIND to sharing what happens at your parties. This is how you get your mindset focused on offering an opportunity for people to get on your calendar.

I call it a BOOKING MINDSET where you EXPECT to get bookings.   I teach this concept in my Direct Sales Planner system. With a POSITIVE EXPECTANCY attitude AND MINDSET you are confident, you know that at your parties, your hostess is going have fun, get some fantastic free products and everyone is going to learn how to use your products and have a memorable experience.

Want to feel CONFIDENT In asking for bookings?  Learn more about your mindset in the


Online workshop – you download the three videos and three workbooks on learn how to

ASK for the booking

KEEP THE booking, and


Use the code GETSETBOOK


Learn how to overcome your fears and resistance to getting your calendar FULL, FULL, FULL of bookings.