If you want to make money in your Direct Sales business, you have to do the “work” to make money!

How many people do you have on your team who love their Direct Sales business, but something is missing.  They are excited about their business.  They talk about it. They share information on social media, but the reality is they’re not making money in their business? They gather on teleconferences and webinars, listening and thinking about how they will make lots of money.  Some even think they’re going to win the upcoming trip incentive.

The unfortunate truth is that many will never go on a cruise or make money in their business because not “working” at making money in their business.

  • This may have happened because when they joined they were told,  “you don’t have to do anything, the product sells itself.” Somehow those words “you have to do the work” seems to be left out.
  • Or perhaps they are waiting!  Waiting until it’s the right time.  Waiting until they feel confident to talk about their business.  Waiting, waiting, until…  (yes, you know what I mean.)

I believe so strongly in the Direct Selling business model that helps people make money, and a lot of money.  I used this model to build a six million-dollar business and a million-dollar team because I learned the meaning of “working hard and working smart”  in my business every day. I believe if you’re serious and want to make money in your direct sales business you have to “work” at it!  You have to “work hard” and you have to “work smart.”

My Direct Sales Planner system, comes with 12 “Work Hard, Work Smart” worksheets.   These are worksheets that cover  how to “work at making money in your Direct Sales Business.

Here are some other tips I suggest that will keep you on task to make money in your business.

Be organized with your time to “work” your business.    This is the biggest obstacle I hear from everyone!  I am overwhelmed. I can’t seem to get it all done!  I teach ALL my clients how do a specific SUNDAY NIGHT planning ritual with a time blocking exercise.  Planning your week is crucial to making money in your business.  Also in the DIRECT SALES PLANNER there are weekly pages to set weekly goals and a daily space to write in your TOP 3 daily activities.   You must figure what hours you’ll work your business to organize your time. 

“Work” your Business in FOUR Financial areas.   In direct sales it comes down to taking action in FOUR FINANCIAL areas of your business every day.  I recommend you “work” them in this order.

  • Recruiting activities
  • Holding Parties
  • Creating New lead generation
  • Follow up activities

If you disciplined yourself to work these FOUR high revenue FINANCIAL activities areas every single day, you would see the difference in making money in your business.

Schedule your “work.” Recently, a coaching client shared she had lost 50 lbs, and I asked her what she did to make that happen?  She said she had a schedule and every day was mapped out on what to eat, her daily exercise, checking in “every” day with her leader.  Hmmm does that sound familiar with “working” at making money in your business? Yes, it’s the same mindset and action.  Schedule what days you’ll hold parties.  Schedule  recruiting appointments.  Schedule the activities in the FOUR FINANCIAL areas. If you schedule your activities and you get them done, the results will show up in the money you take to the bank at the end of every week.

Get support to work your business.  Every Olympian makes the cut to compete because of one common thread and that is they each had the best support in a coach, a mentor, maybe a team of people helping them be the best they can be in the world in their sport.

A coach, a mentor, a support group helps build your confidence, keeps you accountable to your dreams, and propels you forward at a faster rate than if you were working alone.  I know my coach was one of the keys to my success in building a million dollar business and becoming the #1 leader in my company.  So, my advice if you really want to stay committed to making money in working your business, find a mentor, or coach.  Find someone who has done what you want to do and make yourself accountable to them.

Work your business without a safety net (no option to fail.)  It’s not always going to be rosy.  There are times when you can easily say,

  • “I could have met that prospect, but my sister wanted me to go shopping with her.”  (You blame others.)
  • “I could make that call, but I know she won’t wouldn’t want to hold a party with me.”  (You shame yourself)
  • “I could have had 10 parties this month, but with all the things going on in my life, it’s best that I don’t overdo it.” (You justify why you can’t do it.)

Here’s the bottom line, if the money you made depended on your children having food on the table to eat, you would run your business with a “no excuses” approach, EVERY DAY!   Right? I heard  a TOP winner on stage at convention said, “Don’t let your excuses get bigger than your dreams.”  If you leave the door open to give yourself a reason to fail, you’ll gravitate towards it.  However, if there’s no safety net and those kids need to be fed EVERY WEEK!  You’ll “work” hard and smart and bring home the amount of money needed to make it happen!

You hear lots of people talk about working smart, not hard.   The truth is working hard “is” working smart!  Nothing replaces the relationships you build with your customers, the friendships you build with your team members and the commitment you make to yourself to “work at making money in your business” every day.

If you stay committed to working your scheduled hours, find a mentor, schedule activities and never ever quit, then the money will flow to you, and  you will find you ARE making money in your business because you’re “Working at making money!”

Comment below which of these ways you need to up your game at making money in your business.

Want help for you to “make money in your business? Message me at mymentorbiz@gmail.com for a  30 minute complimentary coaching session where we’ll discuss the ONE ACTIVITY  that could skyrocket your business to making the money you want!