5 purposeful ways to plan your direct sales business

Raise your hand if you’re ready to plan a purposeful year in 2022?   When you plan with purpose,

  • your mindset is right,
  • you’re clear with your vision,
  • you know your goals and
  • you’re ready to set priorities to make an action plan!

Planning a purposeful year excites me and it makes me want to  set up my systems, my strategies and get into the routines and habits that make me want to succeed in achieving my goals. There are five ways to help you plan a purposeful year.  Here they are..

#1   D I S C O V E R  W H A T  Y O U  R E A L L Y  W A N T   

purposeful achievements lead to great thingsThe way to discover what you really want is to start by filling out the Goals Section in the Direct Sales Planner.  When you complete the goal grid section.  This is a way to expand your thinking because it asks you what you want to do more of, do less of as well as what you want to learn, track and improve.  This ONE page helps you discover what you truly want in your business and it will leave you inspired for the future.




#2   U S E   A   P L A N N E R   S Y S T E M

  • Gale, I’ve left my planner at the office!!plan in a purposeful way
  • Gale, where do I keep my planner?
  • Gale, do I have to carry my planner everywhere?

These are questions I get asked about my DIRECT SALES PLANNER system.  If you follow my SYSTEM, you’ll realize your planner doesn’t MOVE!   It stays right on your desk (for me it’s right near my computer. )  

My planner is always open to the right day, the right week, the right month so all I do is add my weekly goals,  my tasks, my appointments, my events but it sits ON MY DESK and NEVER MOVES.

Then I use my TOOLS that DO MOVE AROUND which are a combination of my GOOGLE CALENDAR, my one notebook system, and my weekly notepad.  These tools are all SYNCED together so I don’t have to carry my PLANNER with me everywhere I go.

 It is always in ONE CORE PLACE where I go to make sure I’m organized and on top of my game.

Watch my you tube video on more information about this system.

Find a planner system this year!  THE DIRECT SALES PLANNER SYSTEM keeps your life organized and allows you to show up every day and know exactly what needs to be done.  Here’s a bonus discount to use DSP2020 to get it here.

#3   I M P R O V E    Y O U R   H A B I T S   &   R O U T I N E S

This year do an audit of your schedule now in January and determine exactly what you do every day, every week, every month that serves you best.   For me, I have three routines and two habits that keep me feeling organized so I don’t go into overwhelm.

I teach these routines in the Direct Sales Planner system.   First, you learn my time blocking system exercise that’s part of the Sunday planning routine.  Then, I’ll show you how to work a routine keeping on top of your tasks every day.  And how to stay focused on a social media content routine that doesn’t make you feel like you’re spending too much time posting every day.

My habits are what I do first thing every morning and what I do every evening.

After you’ve audited your schedule, really assess what could turn into a habit and/or a routine. These save you time because they are scheduled and you don’t have to spend time thinking of what to do next.

#4   D E C L U T T E R   A N D   S I M P L I F Y

When I answered the question, what do you want to organize in 2022, my answer was to simplify the clutter.  They say when simplify your life it helps you focus on things you actually care about.  The less clutter you have, the more energy you have to pour into things that really matter to you.

My goal this year is to go to bed every night with my desk totally clear of clutter.  So, think about what you want to declutter or simplify in your life right now and see if you can stick to it all through the year.



#5   F E E L   E M P O W E R E D   &  C O N F  I D E N T

When you are purposefully planning your business and your life,  you get up every morning feeling empowered and confident.

When you purposefully plan and visualize how your day will go because you have your planner system in place, you feel empowered an confident.

When opportunities arise, you’re ready to embrace them because you have your routines, your habits and your goals all in place and you feel empowered and confident.

When You feel empowered and confident, you won’t feel stressed and you’ll have no problem saying “no” to things that don’t serve you because your planner system is in place.

Feeling empowered and confident is simply maintaining an awareness of what you want to have a life with a successful direct sales business that fits around the family and your well being.

So, to recap these 5 Purposeful ways to plan your Direct Sales business, the bottom line is you MUST have a planner system!

If you’re a paper planner person or a digital planner system person, find a way to make it work. I feel confident and empowered with the Direct Sales Planner system.   As long as I have

  • My PAPER PLANNER that sits on my desk.
  • My Phone Calendar completely synced to my Paper Planner.
  • My One notebook system to keep me organized with my routines, and to-do lists.

I’m finding my way to SIMPLIFY and plan with purpose!

Want help creating a purposeful planning system that sets you up for a successful year we’ve got you covered.   GET IT HERE

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