Life has changed so much in the first six months of 2020 and now summer is here.

What has happened to those amazing goals you set at the beginning of the year?  Have they  gone out the window?  What about new goals?  It’s summer when schedules change and life is a little different.  It’s time to set some new goals.

It’s these “life happens” events that play havoc with our mindset and we begin to have doubts and second thoughts about setting any type of goals.   And that’s the very reason why NOW is the time to set new goals or re-arrange your original goals.

You’ve heard that saying, “where the rubber meets the road.” That’s why setting your goals over summer is important.  This is  a time when it really counts.  It’s this moment of truth where you must make a shift to stay on track in growing your business.

The following 3 strategic steps are the cornerstone of my Journey to Leadership Coaching program.  The members of this program have goals and they know it takes time and diligence to stay on track, but when we work together on these 3 strategies, they know taking action every week on these 3 steps keeps them focused and moving forward.

Here’s how you can stay on track over the summer when you set your goals.

Strategic Step #1   Remember, it’s “your” journey.  You are swimming in your own lane.  Competitive swimmers dive in and swim as fast as they can to reach the end of the pool.  They don’t look to their left or right, they make a huge splash and stay in their lane and come out of the water ready to celebrate.  Everyone in the Journey to Leadership program understands they are on their “own” journey and don’t compare themselves with others.

  • There are members who are aspiring to move into leadership.
  • There are new leaders who are growing stronger.
  • There are seasoned leaders who want to streamline their systems and see stronger growth
  • and there are top level leaders who are creating stronger downline leaders.

We create YOUR goals for YOUR journey so you  stay focused on the path ahead.  The program helps you to keep moving forward on YOUR journey!

Strategic Step #2.  We Focus on ONE THING.   Each day our head spins with so much to do.  It’s so easy to go into overwhelm.  There are bright shiny objects.  We often go down rabbit holes and get distracted.  The ONE THING in our direct sales world are the BASICS of book – sell – recruit.   Keep your focus on these three activities

  • Sell – service customers with your products.
  • Book – hold parties with hostesses, serve and offer value.
  • Recruit – find people who love your products and want to grow a business like you.

In the book, “THE ONE THING” by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan, they say…  “figure what matters most and give it your undivided attention.  When things that matter most (THE ONE THING) get done you get extraordinary results.”

Strategic Step #3 – Weekly check-in with your coach.   It’s important to note that leaders at the top in this industry don’t do it alone.   In fact, most successful people don’t do it alone!  They know they need help.  The moment I invested in a coach is when my journey was guaranteed for success to hit the million-dollar level and eventually the number one position in the country.   The coaching clients in the Journey to Leadership program are fully invested in achieving their goals because they commit to setting weekly targets and checking in with me to stay on track.

Click here to learn how Marie’s team doubled.

Learn how Marie’s team doubled when she put the focus on checking in with me every week. She puts a reminder on her phone for 8 am every Monday (she lives in Guam – I live in Hawaii).  This is her time to send me her weekly Marco Polo.  She had never used this app before, but found it was so easy to video a message to me and be clear with her accomplishments she’d achieved that week, the obstacles she might be having and her intentions moving forward.

Marie took it one step further and would share the details of her weekly stats.  She paid close attention to her personal sales goal, her team sales volume and her team bookings.  These details are what helped her not only recruit more people herself, but helped her focus on the system to grow her young team and double their sales in 5 short months.

This is the ACCOUNTABILITY program you find in the

Journey to Leadership Program.


Message me or just CLICK HERE & JOIN US.

Are you ready to create a NEW goal for 2020, or maybe re-arrange your original goal?