In our CALENDAR GIRLS Team Booking system we work on a specific communication system that helps leaders build deeper relationships with team members.

Embracing the amazing technology open to us today increases the ability for leaders to strengthen your team through social media and more specifically a Team Facebook group.

A leaders job is to guide their team in growing a successful direct sales business. Having your own TEAM Facebook group enables you to communicate daily with your team in supporting them in their quest to have successful sales, bookings and recruiting. If you haven’t created your “own” TEAM Facebook group, I highly suggest you do it as soon as possible.

I work with many leaders who are growing at a rapid pace using this method of communication and they are having amazing results.   Results where team members are growing their confidence as entrepreneurs and direct sellers.

When you add VALUE to your team members, they aspire to greatness!  They take action because they know they are being supported by a strong and dynamic leader!  Here are 5 ways to add VALUE in your TEAM Facebook group

#1 Recogniton:   This is the absolute number one way to add value to your team members! Always recognize the following

  • TOP in sales, booking and recruiting. Of course you’ll do shout outs for the top team members. Use graphics with their “name” and their “top” stat. People who hit the top in your team are role models for others.
  • Small successes are just as important. Recognize people who do one thing that stretches them. Others will celebrate this small success and this will build their confidence.
  • Recognize FIRSTS! Team members love to be recognized for their first party, their first booking, their first recruit. It could even be their first $500 party or their first person who said “yes” to hearing more about the business opportunity.
  • Recognize party sales $500 and $1000 plus. This is a great way to increase sales at parties.

I could add a ton more recognition ideas, but you get the picture.  You can never recognize enough!  It is the most important area to ADD VALUE to your team and doing it daily in your Team Facebook group gives you the opportunity to lift their spirits and build their confidence.

#2 Product Knowledge:   Your team cannot get enough information about your products. They always love learning how to share product benefits with their customers. Create innovative ways to always post .

  • FACTS that are true and give guidance.
  • BENEFITS that assist customers in having a better life
  • How your products make a DIFFERENCE in people’s lives.
  • How your products make people feel.

Your team will love sharing this information with their customers and you will be adding value to their own facebook groups and business pages.

#3 Create a GRAPHICS album.   Your team will LOVE this value. They are always looking for good graphics to share. Two of my favorite ways to create specific graphics are “Canva” and an app called “Word Swag.” Create graphics that are specific to

  • Products
  • Business Opportunity
  • Party Success
  • Hostess Success

An album helps team members share information in their own social media platforms and they are approved and stunning because you made them.

#4 Add value sharing your Team MISSION often.   What is your team mission? One of my clients recently shared that she is on a mission to change the world one chemically free household at a time and she spreads throughout her team every week in her TEAM Facebook group. Find your mission and keep it in front of them as often as possible. Your mission is unique to your team and it this mission will attract others to join your team. Make your team mission your true north!

#5 Add LIVE Video weekly. Your team needs to know the “authentic” you and live video in your team facebook group gives you the opportunity to share tips and important information about your products, your company, and your team. Live video is an amazing vehicle that will help your team with their productivity, their organization and their mindset in staying positive. When you share from your heart, you are building a team of people who believe in your products, your vision and your team mission.


Posting every day in your TEAM Facebook group is the key to engaging and inspiring your team to take action. Of course these take up your time, so I recommend scheduling your posts using a scheduling platform. My favorite is cinchshare you can check it out here.

Adding value using each one of these five ways will help you improve your team results. And it’s team results we work on in my L.E.A.P. Group Coaching program.

As summer approaches think about where you want to be when the busy fall season rolls around. If you are a leader or maybe going into leadership for the first time and want to learn how to build a strong and dynamic team, take a look into the L.E.A.P. Group coaching program.

In this program I help you

  • set goals and timelines to achieve success
  • focus on being accountable to those goals
  • Support you with systems and strategies that work
  • Share important productivity tips so you don’t go into overwhelm
  • Help you and your team stay consistent in growing each month.

Be ready to L.E.A.P. to your next career level by the fall learning specific systems and strategies working with a group of dedicated leaders like yourself.

Questions?  Email Gale Bates at 

And share below which of the 5 ways you will implement in your TEAM Facebook page.